
Friday, January 3, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-January 3, 2014

It's Friday, so let's Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

First of all, Happy 2014 everyone!  It's a fresh year full of possibilities.

I'll do my best to follow those orders.  They're coming from Captain Picard, after all.

My family spent New Years Eve with my dad, and we ate way too much food!  We received a few more generous Christmas gifts from extended family as well, and that helped to brighten our week!

My husband just started back to work yesterday.  He had a week and a half off work, and while having him around all the time threw off my writing schedule, it was definitely nice to have him around so much!

I'm also excited because my 2nd blogging anniversary is next week.  I'm celebrating that with the Endings Blogfest!  It's Thursday, January 9th.  If you'd like to learn more or join in, click HERE.  The more the merrier!

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Happy New Year!

    Glad you had a great NYE with your family! I went to bed early lol!

  2. A week off from work is awesome, isn't it?
    Glad you have so many signed up for the blogfest.

  3. I'm glad things are getting back to normal after Christmas and New Year - the holidays tend to mess up my routine!

  4. Happy New Year and best wishes for an amazing 2014!

  5. Having hubby time is definitely worth being thrown off our writing schedules. Glad you had a great week. Have a happy New Year! And yes, lets follow the Captain's instructions :D

  6. Oh Picard, how we love thee! Makes yearn for a cup of earl grey, especially on a day like today.

    I'm looking forward to Thursday!
