
Monday, January 27, 2014

Musing About My Writing Goals

This week, I'm feeling pretty good as far as my writing is concerned.  My muse is sticking with me for the time being, and I'm pleased about that.  My current WIP Silent Soliloquy has been challenging for me, so while I haven't made the kind of rapid progress I would like, I still feel like I'm making steady progress.  If all goes well, I hope to have the rough draft done by Valentine's Day.  I'm going to do all I can to adhere to that goal.

I've also finished all of my A-Z posts for this blog, and now I plan to start the posts for my other blog sometime soon.  I have the topic for each post selected, so hopefully those will come together for me relatively easily.

The weather here is awful, and probably won't be much better tomorrow. Perfect weather for staying inside.  Hopefully that will keep me motivated.

What are your goals for the week?  Has your muse been kind to you lately?


  1. Awesome you completed your Challenge posts!
    I'm not flying at a fast pace either, but slow and steady and it's all coming together.
    Thanks for volunteering to be a Minion. I will send you the badge today!

  2. Sounds like an organized plan to me. Good for you getting your A - Z posts complete already! At least you have something fun to do, while you're stuck indoors.

  3. You are the second person (that I have read) who has completed their A to Z posts. That is crazy awesome. I still haven't settle firmly on a theme. Although, I was lying in bed last night and an idea came to me. I still need to ponder it a bit more, but it looks promising. Congrats on being so organized!!!!

  4. Wow, completing your A to Z posts is amazing. I just signed up today and haven't given it a second thought. Good Luck with you wip!

  5. Way to go on those A-Z posts. That's impressive, lady!
