
Monday, January 20, 2014

The Love is in the Air Blogfest

When I saw this blogfest, I knew I had to join in on the fun!  The Love is in the Air blogfest is made possible by the lovely ladies at Unicorn Bell.

What is this blogfest?  How does one participate?  Well, I'm glad you asked!  Okay, okay.  I was presumptuous and asked on your behalf.  Please be nice and play along! :)

It's a celebration of that little thing called love. Be it steamy or sweet, puppy, kitty, teen, aggravating, first kiss or final goodbye, let your scene tug at our heartstrings.

Share your lovey dovey moment on January 20th and then visit and comment on the other blogs on the list.

Simple, right?  Here's my scene.  It comes from my WIP that I've tentatively titled Silent Soliloquy.  At this point in the story, we don't have passion, but I hope I've conveyed the beginning of something in the midst of a bizarre and difficult situation.


*               *               *

“Hey, Tips,” David says softly as he slides into place on the bench beside me.  His shoulder bumps mine, and I savor that innocent moment of contact.  I try to imagine that, in this moment, I am merely a girl who’s meeting with a boy.  No hidden agendas attached.
The fantasy is quickly ruined when he leans in to kiss me.
I can’t help but note the flavor of the lip balm that’s been liberally applied.  Cherry.  An extremely artificial, almost medicinal, cherry flavor.  I know that mine isn’t any better.  The grape flavor is just as medicinal, just as artificial.  A constant reminder of the utility of the kiss that I’m expected to perform.
Though, I must admit, if I ignore the odd taste, the other aspects of the kiss are kind of nice.  His lips are soft, and his body radiates a surprising amount of warmth considering his size.  I’m glad when my hands move to rest on his shoulders, increasing the amount of physical contact between us.  It feels grounding, so even though I can’t fully ignore the reason why I’m kissing him, I can momentarily push the knowledge from the forefront of my thoughts.
To anyone who might see us, we look like two lovers stealing a private moment after curfew.  Such activity carries penalties, but being arrested for having a public romantic encounter after hours would be much better than being busted for what’s really going on.
When he pulls back, my lips turn up in a smile.  “Hey, David.”
He smiles back, and I can’t help but notice the way the expression translates to his eyes.  It’s such a rare thing that I’m taken aback by it, though I know my face remains entirely unaffected.
Part of me grows cold as I recall that I’m working to put that light out.

*               *               *
That's it from me!  Now go visit the others participating in this blogfest!  Click HERE to find the linky.


  1. Ohhhhhh. I like it. What is her mission? A rather analytical kiss from her perspective.

  2. That's one of the most interesting kisses I've ever read! I want to know what's going on!

  3. You've totally got me wondering about what's truly going on, here. Nicely done!

  4. This is a great scene, it really makes me wonder what's going on there. Definitely makes me want to read more :)

  5. Aaahh! So many great things in this scene. You have wonderful sense descriptions that grounded me--cherry and grape chapstick, soft lips, warm body. And then that last line! I love scenes that have me asking questions and wanting to know more. This definitely does that.

    Thanks so much for participating in the blogfest!

  6. Thanks for joining my followers. It appears people who have a drop down comment box are the blogs I'm having problems with.


  7. Really liked this scene. It is well written and makes me want to know more. Great job!!!

  8. I really enjoyed reading your scene. I love all your descriptive words that tell me exactly what this kiss felt and tasted like. You definitely have me wondering what's going on and wanting to read more. Great job!

  9. Now that's an intriguing excerpt!

  10. Ooh, lots to wonder about in this one!

  11. Whoa. That last line was a hum dinger. Absolutely captured my attention. Good one! Thanks for participating.
    Author of Wilder Mage at Spirit Called
    Facebook Wilder Mage

  12. And? Okay, you've totally got me asking what their secret agenda is. MUST KNOW MORE. Love it!

  13. Lip balm kisses are some of my favorite memories of winter ...

  14. She made the most out of a utility kiss.
