
Friday, March 14, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-March 14, 2014

It's Friday!  Let's take the time to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

The weather here is getting warmer.  We've had a couple of really warm days, so the insane amount of snow that we've had blanketing the ground for months is beginning to melt. There are still mountains of snow all over, and there are rivers of water running through the streets (and huge puddles everywhere), but it's all hinting toward the arrival of spring.  Bring it on!

Taking advantage of the warmer weather, I've taken the kids for walks a couple of times this week.  Going to the park is out of the question since a good portion of it is too wet from the melting to be advisable, but that will surely dry out soon enough.  Well, maybe not soon enough for the kids, but we'll get there.

The time change left my kids confused about their bedtime, and it took a couple of days to adjust.  Fortunately, they're heading back toward a normal sleeping schedule, which is a relief to me.

I also read a couple of good books this week, which is always worth celebrating.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Glad the snow is melting. We were warm and now it's cold again.

  2. Glad you are rocketing toward spring.

    Florida has been gorgeous this week. I love this time of year.

  3. We live in Dubai - we get sweat and suffer sand storms! Hope you get more sunshine. :)

    Have a great weekend!

  4. That time change seems to throw everyone off a bit. Glad the snow is melting and you're enjoying some fun outside!

    MJ, A to Z Challenge Co-Host
    Writing Tips
    Effectively Human
    Lots of Crochet Stitches

  5. It's been really warm here this week, surprisingly so for this time of year. It's back to cold wintery weather today, though. Hope your snow melts soon :)

  6. Been warm here, as well, and it feels great!

  7. The time change has confused my body totally. Today, I'm on the sofa visiting blogs through the hop.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  8. Everyone is enjoying the change in weather.....enjoy those walks with the kids!

  9. I would like to celebrate my new cover for my upcoming book "The Puzzle Box". It took a long time to get it. Also, the weather here has turned warm enough to go outside without a sweater on! Yay!
