
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A is for Anomaly

Hello everyone!  The A-Z Blogging Challenge is finally here!

After last year, I knew I wanted to write fiction again.  It's one of my favorite things to do, after all!  I also knew that I wanted to keep it short.  So I decided to write a drabble for each day.  Each drabble is inspired by a word that corresponds with the letter of the day.  A couple of them turned into poems, but the poems are also exactly 100 words long, so I think it still works.

Here we go with the first drabble.  Enjoy!


Freak.  Disgusting.  You should have been drowned at birth.

I’ve heard all the insults before, but they still cut deep, burrowing beneath the layers of my being, festering until I can barely stand to draw a breath.

It isn’t as if I don’t know the reality of my appearance.  I was born with sight in one eye.  Perhaps if I’d been born entirely blind, I wouldn’t have to witness how different I am from everyone else.

No arms.  No legs.  Deformed face.  Born to a drug addled mother.  I can’t help what I am, though they can help their cruelty.


  1. You come across as a nice person, and that is important.

  2. Really powerful and quite true. I hate bullies.

  3. "I can’t help what I am, though they can help their cruelty."

    AWESOME line. Great little story.

    - Vero

  4. I'm actually writing the non-fiction to your flash this month.

    Cheers for another A to Z challenge
    A Plus!

  5. Great job. In 100 words you made us FEEL it.

  6. Hello, LG! Short with a quick punch. Great idea for the Challenge!

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  7. Wow L.G. What a way to start it off? Powerful.

  8. Well done and off to a good start on the A-Z. Tugged at my heartstrings, it did. Thanks.

  9. Very powerful. I'd never heard of a drabble before

  10. Very powerful and moving. Nice.

  11. Quite moving and very well done in such a short piece.

  12. Sad and amazingly well told in so few words.

  13. Awesome little sad tale..

    My Contributions to April A-Z challenge 2014

    Story Teller

    My Third Eye

  14. Fellow A to Z writer here. Very powerful piece, in so few words. Great message.

    I admire those who can do flash fiction. I will be back. :)

  15. Great story. I absolutely love the last line. You were able to pack so much into such a small space. I love to write too, but I don't think I could ever achieve that :)
    I look forward to reading more!

    ~ Kim

  16. Powerful and moving. You managed to say so much with so few words.

  17. Powerful drabble! But isn't it horrible at how cruel the world can be??

  18. This is fantastic! I can't wait to read what else you have to offer. So much can be said in just 100 words.

    Random Musings from the KristenHead — A is for 'Almost Human' (and Action and Androids)

  19. What a way to start the challenge! By the time I started reading, this story already seemed cruel and continued. What makes it even more troubling is that while it may be fictional drabble, it likely describes experiences similar to what some folks are dealing with in real life, especially with bullying and such.

    The line that's unforgettable is: Perhaps if I’d been born entirely blind, I wouldn’t have to witness how different I am from everyone else.

    That one says so much and is the most powerful line in this short story.

    Good work!

    #atozchallenge Co-Host
    The Madlab Post

  20. Good topic and theme, but such a sad piece of writing. Great description! ~ Angela, A to Z participant from Web Writing Advice ( and Whole Foods Living (

  21. Wow, powerful stuff. And sad, because it also speaks the truth. Great first post.
    Also, thanks for sticking up for me on my blog yesterday. I wasn't expecting a first comment like that! :)

  22. Good stuff. I like to imagine a future where everyone is accepted, instead of being summarily judged.

    Thing is though, as a species we have a lot to learn. Like how not to be horrified or hateful when we're presented with something which is different. I know that I'm still learning, but my heart is in the right place.

  23. Love this! I always worry about short posts, myself, I worry they won't get what I want to convey but this is wonderful.

    Visiting from the A to Z challenge,

  24. I've never heard of a drabble before. That's really cool!

  25. That last line is quite a noble sentiment.

  26. I want to get him into a bionic suit and see him seek vengeance. Seems like the origin story for a great super-villain.
