
Friday, April 18, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-April 18, 2014

For those of you who are here to check out my P post for the A to Z Challenge, you can find it HERE.

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

This has been another fun week, thanks in part to the April A to Z Challenge. It's great connecting to bloggers that I hadn't previously had the opportunity to meet.

I'm also excited because, thanks to the lovely Krista McLaughlin and her BREATHLESS Release Party giveaway, I won an e-copy of the complete "13th Floor" series by Christine Rains.  So thank you Krista, and of course, thank you to Christine as well!  Winning awesome prizes like this always helps make your week extra special.

I'm also celebrating that I've gotten some work on my WIP done.  Not a lot, but some.  In the midst of A to Z, getting anything done on it seems like a major accomplishment.


  1. You're gonna love the 13th Floor!! Congrates on wining a great collection of stories and on working on your WIP! :)

  2. Congrats on winning Christine's collection! I won a copy of Switched by Cassie Mae, thanks to Krista's giveaway! :D

  3. Ooo- I'm jealous of you winning Christine's entire series- I want it, too!
