
Saturday, April 5, 2014

E is for Entity

Let's finish out the first week of this challenge with the letter E!


The blobby green creature rolls slowly around the perimeter of the plexiglass enclosure.  “The entity seems to be exploring its environment.”  Daphne speaks into the recorder excitedly.  At age 14, she strives to act like a real scientist.

Her little brother Daniel watches from the edge of the bed.  “Shouldn’t we let someone know about this?”

Daphne shakes her head.  “No.  If the government gets their hands on it, who knows what they’ll do?  Everything will be better if we keep this to ourselves.”

He nods.  He’d seen enough movies to know she was probably right.  “Can we name it?”


  1. Uh-oh - these two have seen too many movies and not enough safety films - but then, if everyone acted sensibly, there'd be no stories ;P
    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles - A to Z Ghosts
    Fantasy Boys XXX - A to Z Drabblerotic

  2. This sounds like it might lead to trouble lol!

  3. "Can we name it?" That's exactly how a little bro would react! (That's how I--the curious little sis--would react, anyway. Nice way to capture the essence of your characters through dialogue!

  4. Nice one! I'm intrigued. Are they simply two siblings with a great imagination during play time or is it more real than their parents would like it to be?

  5. Cute story. Love how the two siblings are in cahoots trying to keep their "discovery" from the adults. I can picture my boys doing the same thing--keep it from Mom!

  6. For some reason, the green bloggy thingie from Ghostbusters came to mind. And he (she? it?) got a gig driving a bus in NYC! :O) My daughter would make me search for "cute names for little green thingies" online.

    LuAnn Braley
    AJ's Hooligans @AtoZChallenge
    Back Porchervations

  7. Hi, I LOVE YOUR BLOG! I use the same background! By the Florida Hotel and Conference Center advert I think we might be attending the same event for #Turningthepagesbooks ? stopping by #a2zchallenge. I went with D for Daring to Dream and E for Egret my fave Birds ... swing by if you get a chance

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I am not so sure these kids should keep this one to themselves. I sense trouble oozing their way.

  10. Great characterisation, it's impressive that you've managed to put the character's personalities across in such few words.

  11. Hmmm, first thing that came to mind was the movie, The Blob, mostly because I just watched it for the first time. Then Flubber and finally good old Nickelodeon Slime. LOL!

    Enjoying your drabbles! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    D.B. McNicol
    A to Z: Romance & Mystery...writing my life

  12. These are some brave kids, but I think they should tell an adult. Who knows what the blobby green creature will do.

  13. This story intrigued me and I want to know its outcome. The kids are looking out for the green creature, but who knows what danger looms. Great story and I like the overall presentation of your blog design.

  14. They remind me of what kids were like when I was growing up. We thought nothing of danger and our parents didn't really bother with our 'games' unless we did something really naughty and then our posteriors bore the brunt of it. We'd be back to our shenanigans soon enough - until the next time.

    Cute story...

  15. That is a cute little tale. Does it show my evil writer side when I worry that something bad will happen though?

    ~Patricia Lynne~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, YA Author

  16. Intriguing! I love stories like this! It's amazing that you can write so many different pieces of flash fiction.

  17. Now one wonders: will this be the beginning of E.T. or Alien?

  18. Ewww, awesome! How bout Blobby Flay? He could be a little blobby chef! :)

    Random Musings from the KristenHead — E is for 'Elementary' (and Elephants)
