
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

G is for Grave

When I sat down to write this drabble, I knew I wanted to use the word "grave" for inspiration, but I didn't want it to be a typical story about someone visiting a grave.  I hope I pulled that off.


The gravesite was nicely manicured.  Visitors tended to feel comforted by well-tended cemeteries.

Stan shoved his hands into his coat pockets, his eyes wandering over the headstones surrounding him.

“Is it weird that I’m here?” he wondered aloud, knowing that no one else was there to hear him.  “I told my best friend about this, and he laughed.”  He knelt down in front of the headstone, tracing the name with his fingers.  His name.  “What can I say?  I’m going to be buried here someday.  I want to know what it’ll be like for my family to visit me.”


  1. Now that I wasn't expecting - that is one prepared guy.

  2. My word today is Grave too :) Good drabble. I find your protagonist's motivation very strange - clearly he likes to empathise.
    Tasha's Thinkings - AtoZ (Vampires)
    FB3X - AtoZ (Erotic Drabbles)

  3. Like Sophie, the ending surprised me. It didn't sound like drabble to me.

  4. A little morbid, but to each his own!

  5. Nice twist at the end there - I wasn't sure where you were going to go with it!

  6. Interesting. I wasn't expecting that ending. I love surprises.

  7. That was a bit different... :)

  8. It's like checking out the dining room in a house you're planning to buy. You have to make sure it will accommodate the guests you're planning on entertaining.

  9. I love that - really quirky but tells us so much about the character in so little time! Great drabble.

  10. Those first two lines are so simple, yet so absolutely potent. Placed me right in the scene with almost no words at all. Splendid job!

  11. Love it! I could picture this scene perfectly. Well done! ~Jax

  12. Great job. Whoa, his own name? Hopefully his grandfather who gave him his name and not his own name and he's seeing it ... maybe already dead? Wow, great job in just a few lines.

    Visiting via A to Z from Pass the Sour Cream

  13. Yep you pulled it off! Was not expecting that!

  14. Gave me a little chill, well done!

    Donna B. McNicol
    A to Z Participant

  15. I also was surprised at the ending.
