
Thursday, April 17, 2014

O is for Original

The inspiration for the following drabble clearly comes from the fact that my brain has been saturated with science fiction.  I am in no way claiming this is a bad thing.  It's a simple fact of life.

I hope you like it!


The world places value on originality, all the while peddling knock-off clothing and accessories so people can all look the same.  It’s laughable just how deluded people can be.

People say originals are precious because they can never be replaced.  Original paint jobs, original parts, untarnished by time.

Of course, people try to replace the irreplaceable.  That’s why I exist.  A clone, a replication of a once-living original.  I came with a blank slate, though family members pretend not to notice.  They’d much rather embrace the delusion and ignore the fact that I’m not even the original me.


  1. The dilemma of the intelligent clone - tough and bitter-sweet for all concerned. Well expressed :)
    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles - A to Z Ghosts
    Fantasy Boys XXX - A to Z Drabblerotic

  2. I've enjoyed so far both your science fiction posts and the drabbles. I'm impressed that you've been able to do both at once! This is a good one, especially in consumerism we are fed the illusion of originality while having very specific choices provided for us.

    LittleCely's Blog

  3. Awesome job! I see the makings of a great story! :) ~Jax

  4. Love this excerpt - seems a great way to kick off an awesome story. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Great excerpt. Keep going :)
    visiting from a to z

  7. This is great, it's really thought provoking.

  8. Let's get philosophical for a moment. Is anything really original? What people deem as so was influenced by something else and, in some cases, enhanced.

  9. If it is true that there is nothing new under the sun, all the more reason as writers to be observant so we can name for people what they have no language for. I'm writing about gardening and related topics during the #challenge. On the 17th day, visiting you, makes the adventure worth while.

  10. Reminds me of Philip K. Dick and the anger of his androids.

  11. That was unexpected and very deep. Loved it.
