
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Insecure Writer's Support Group: April 2014

Quick note: Those of you who would like to read my B entry for the A to Z Challenge can find it HERE.

It's time for another meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group!  Our Ninja Captain, the one and only Alex J. Cavanaugh, has called upon us to gather once again and offer support for one another.  Whether you would like to share your lingering insecurities or offer words of inspiration for your fellow writers, you've come to the right place!

You should also check out the IWSG website!  It's another great place to find that support system you need.

The A to Z Challenge is upon us.  Not all of us are taking part, but those of us who are (myself included) may be asking ourselves how to balance the challenge with other writing goals we may have set for ourselves, or even with the demands of everyday life.  Whether it's a job or kids, we all have demands in our lives that cannot be ignored.  I know it'll be a challenge for me, especially since I'm one of Alex's minions.  However, it's a challenge that I welcome.  If we don't push ourselves, we never grow.  If we never step outside our comfort zone, we never learn.

I've decided that I'll do what I can to budget my time wisely, and I won't be too hard on myself concerning the goals I don't accomplish.  I want this to be a fun month, and not one filled with self-flagellation.  I want to meet new bloggers.  I want to hear what people have to say about the things I share, and I want to learn more about subjects I previously knew little to nothing about.  That's part of the fun!  Yes, the challenge takes dedication, but at the end of the day, it's about having an enjoyable and fulfilling experience.  If my other writing projects don't see as much from me this month, I'll remind myself that they'll still be there in May.

Happy writing, and blogging, everyone!


  1. Ditto the time crunch thing. Balancing work, family and writing/blogging is tough. I'm sitting out A-Z as I don't have the time to read that many blogs every day. But it is only one month out of the year, so I can see people forgoing writing just to socialize and make connections with other writers.

    Sometimes, you just gotta enjoy the environment.

  2. Great blog,full of interesting snippets and well written. Have tweeted etc. Hope you have a great day. Back to the typewriter (sic) for me !!

  3. Great blog,full of interesting snippets and well written. Have tweeted etc. Hope you have a great day. Back to the typewriter (sic) for me !!

  4. I am currently working on balancing my writing, family, and everything else in between.

  5. What's the point if you dont' enjoy the challenge. No need for stress.

  6. Hi LG! Great post and you're absolutely right; whatever you're working on will still be there in May. Enjoy the Challenge! Although I'm not participating this year, I'm proudly displaying my Supporter Badge on my Blog and will hopping along through blogs all month learning all kinds of new things! Have a great day! Lily-Eva

  7. Great post! I'm still working on not stressing out about goals this year.

  8. The stress is why I haven't signed up to do the challenge - I think my other writing would suffer for it! But I really admire everyone taking part, and I'll be cheering from the sidelines.

  9. I'm about to push myself right off the edge at the moment, so thanks, I needed to hear that.

  10. That's a great solution; not being too hard on yourself. I'm a little worried about time this month, since I'm a minion too, so I think I'll just try to do my best, and not worry too much if I don't accomplish something. Good luck!

  11. Great post! I'd like to enjoy April, too! :) I'm stopping in from both the A to Z Challenge and the IWSG. I hope you have a fabulous month!

  12. Excellent attitude to have, L. I love meeting new bloggers and discovering new writers. Introducing new people and perspectives into the flow always fuels my creative juices!

  13. Even after almost three years, I'm still trying to figure out how to balance my time between life, blogging and writing. I'm counting A to Z as my writing this month, so that kills two birds with one stone. Good luck with everything this month.

  14. I did the A to Z challenge two years ago and it was a lot of fun. It is time consuming (reason why I just couldn't do it this year) but it left me with a great sense of kinship. And I met awesome blogger who I follow to this day!

    Best of luck to you!
