
Friday, July 11, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-July 11, 2014

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

I'm happy to be a co-host, along with my other wonderful co-hosts.
Diana Wilder
Katie @ TheCyborg Mom
CaffeMaggieato @ mscoffeehouse

We had a good 4th of July celebration with my dad.  The kids loved playing with sparklers, and it was fun to watch the fireworks.

My husband's birthday was on Sunday.  We had a nice family get-together for that.  There was cake, and there was swimming for the children.  Overall, it was a pretty relaxed day, which was fine by us.

I've been crafty this week.  I decided to make a homemade gift for my friend's daughter (who is turning three), so now I'm elbow deep in fabrics and thread.  I love sewing, but I'd almost forgotten how messy it can be.  In spite of the mess, though, it's been a lot of fun!

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. You're making a gift? Wow, good for you!

  2. I love making a mess like you described. Have fun.

  3. I would love to be able to mom is wonderful at it, but it's never been a skill I've picked up! Good luck making the gift, I'm sure it will be fantastic.

  4. Happy birthday to your husband and good luck with your gift-making! It sounds like a fun project. I'm sure she'll love it!

  5. Sounds like you had a fun week. Happy Birthday to your husband and to your friend's little girl. I bet she'll love what you're making! (I gave you and your 55-word story a shout-out in my Friday Freebies post today.) Have a great weekend! :)

  6. Sounds like lots of family fun! Happy B-day to your husband.

  7. Fun and crafty! Great week :)

  8. Hi LG, Glad you had a great time! Wish the hubs a happy belated for me. As always, thanks so much for being the wonderful co-host that you are. We all appreciate it. Hugs, Eva

  9. Not sure if my previous comment posted. Wish hubs a belated happy birthday and I'm glad you had a great week! Thanks as always for being a wonderful co-host! Eva

  10. Swimming, relaxation, and cake? Nice!
    I wish I was crafty! I bet your friend's daughter will love it! Show us the pics when you're done. Pretty please. :D

  11. I'm so envious of your craft skills. I can barely sew on a button and have been known to resort to the stapler to rescue a loose hem.

  12. Sounds like you had a great weekend last week. Good luck with your crafting project. I love sewing and making stuff, but you are's messy! If all else fails, get the 3 year old a huge balloon and some candy...instant win :)
