
Friday, July 4, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-July 4, 2014

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

I am proud to be a co-host, along with my other fellow co-hosts:

Diana Wilder
Katie @ TheCyborg Mom
CaffeMaggieato @ mscoffeehouse

To all my fellow American blogging friends, happy Independence Day!  This is always a great holiday, because I love grilling out and fireworks.  My kids certainly can't stop talking about the fireworks.  Plus, this holiday is a good excuse to have a drink or two.  What more could you want?

Image courtesy of nirots/
Due to certain unfortunate circumstances, money is going to be tight for the next few months.  That isn't reason to celebrate in and of itself, but the situation is driving me to find new ways to earn a little extra income.  It's kind of exciting to consider new things to try, and we'll see where it goes.

Definite good news is that I got a short story published this week.  Please check it out if you can.  The story is on 55 words long, so it shouldn't take more than a few moments.  You can find the details about it HERE.

Writing is still going well for me this week, so I'm excited about that.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. A mime won't argue back!
    Congratulations on the short story.
    Sorry times are tough, but hope new possibilities open for you.

  2. Sorry money is tight, I'm in the same situation right now. Good luck earning your extra income :)

  3. Hi LG! Congrats on the short story. I'm going to check it out as soon as I'm done making my rounds. :) I know times are rough; I can relate. I'm going to be in the midst of another move soon...grrr.

    As usual, thank you so much for being the wonderful co-host that you are; I'm sure you know by now how much I appreciate you. The weather is a wash-out here in CT where I'm visiting, but hopefully you can enjoy your 4th of July. Stay safe and have fun! ((Hugs)) Eva

  4. Congrats on the short story! That's awesome :)

  5. I'm sorry to hear finances are stressful. I hope something comes up soon. I'll plug your 55-word story in my next week's post on Friday Freebies! :)

  6. Fifty-five words! That is so impressive! I could pen an ad that short, but never a story! Congratulations!

  7. Happy 4th to you! Way to go on your short story! There is no way I could tell a story with that little amount of words. Good luck with finding new ways to earn a little extra cash...hope you find some more luck with your writing!

  8. Congratulations on having your short story published! Heading over to read it now! I hope you've had a great 4th of July weekend :)

  9. Why is it that the good news (story published) comes at the same time bad news does (short on $$)? Let's hope you publish many more stories and the cash crunch goes away quickly.

  10. Congratulations on the short story publication!! You go girl!
