
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Express Yourself: Grade School Memories

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

The question this week is: What is a favorite grade school memory?

I think the best time I had in grade school came in 5th grade.  We took a field trip to Iowa City, which is a halfway across the state from where I went to school. We visited the old capitol, and we visited the University of Iowa as well.  We even got autographs from the members of the men's basketball team.  Overall, it was an exciting day.  It was the furthest away I'd ever gone without my parents at that point, and we didn't get back until 7:00 P.M. Yes, it might seem silly now, but it reminded me of the fact that I was getting older, that I would soon get the chance to do more and more grown-up things.

What's your favorite grade school memory?


  1. That's a cool memory! :D

    One of my favourite school memories came when I was in high school - and it was also on a class trip. We went to Birmingham to a food show, where people were showing off their latest creations, and then we got to go to a live version of Ready, Steady, Cook! That same year, a bunch of celebrity chefs did a Full Monty tribute thing to raise money for one of the UK's big charities, and we also got to see a live version of that too LOL! (They didn't go completely naked because there were children in the audience lol). It was very, very funny!

  2. A great memory! My favorite school memory is similar. I went to Washington, D.C. in 8th grade with my classmates and chaperones. It was the first trip I'd gone on without my parents and I loved it! :)
