
Monday, July 28, 2014

Express Yourself: Who Would Portray You?

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

The question for this week is: Who would you choose to portray you in a movie?

This is an interesting question.  Should I choose someone significantly better looking than me so everyone will think that is what I look like, or should I choose based on acting ability?  :)

Joking aside, I would have to choose Felicia Day.  She's a redhead like me, she's able to portray odd characters in a convincing and fun way, and she's reasonably close to my age. Sure, she's six years older than me, but Hollywood actresses seem to age significantly slower than the general population anyway, so I think it would work out.

Who would you choose to portray you in a movie?


  1. You chose well. I think I'd go with Tiny Fey to portray me. She's a hoot.

  2. Great choice, LG. I can totally see this! Hope you enjoy what's left of the weekend. Eva
