
Monday, September 8, 2014

Sunflowers for Tina

Today we celebrate the life of Tina Downey.  If you would like to join in and share a tribute of your own, you can sign up HERE.  She was a bright light in the blogging world, and she will be greatly missed.  Her cheerful outlook on life inspired me, and I'll always remember that about her.

I didn't think it would work out too well to plant a sunflower in Iowa at this time of year, and I wanted to put some time and thought into my tribute.  In the end, I decided to buy some art materials and turn it into an art project that I could share with my kids.

The sunflower we made is now prominently displayed on our refrigerator.

Tina's family has also set up the Downey Education Fund.  Any donations made will go toward a college fund for Tina's two boys.


  1. I couldn't plant this time of year either (it's winter down under). I love your family tribute. Nice to have kids involved in sharing the love.

  2. I had the same trouble over here too, but I love the creative side you took this tribute. You and your kids did a wonderful job.

  3. She would really appreciate that you made it a project with your kids!

  4. Did a great job, thank you... Tina is smiling down on all of us.


  5. Love! What a wonderful idea!!! <3

  6. To turn it into an arts and crafts project with your kids is just plain awesome. Fantastically done!

  7. I love that your kids helped make that sunflower. It's beautiful!

  8. That is a really beautiful art work tribute.

  9. That is really impressive. I love that you involved your kids too. It seems like it's something Tina would have both done and appreciated your doing. It brings a smile to my face.

    Thank you, LG.

  10. For some strange reason, I struggled to find the time to track down a sunflower, so I went with plan B... the creative route...
    Life is good!

  11. I love it! Its beautiful!
    Thank you,

  12. it's a fantastic art project. well done... :)

  13. Hi LG .. love the idea of getting your kids to join in and that you have it prominently display on your fridge .. Tina will be sorely missed ... Hilary
