
Friday, October 17, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-October 17, 2014

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

There's another round of illness ravaging my house.  My son Jude developed some swelling in his neck, and out of concern, my husband took him to the emergency room in the middle of the night last night.  Fortunately, after two CAT scans, the doctors determined that it's just lymph node swelling caused by a generic virus (which is what I thought it was all along, so I'll happily accept my medical degree right now, thank you).  Though he didn't get home until 3 A.M. and was clearly sleep deprived as a result, Jude managed to have a good time at the hospital.  The doctors and nurses thought he was the cutest thing ever, and they entertained him by dressing him as a doctor.  There's even photographic evidence.

Adorable, right?  He even got to take the gear home, so he can play doctor while he recovers.

We're planning on carving a pumpkin with my dad on Sunday, so that should be fun. We'll also be carving more pumpkins the following weekend.  I may eventually share some pictures if they turn out okay.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Glad he'll be all right and had a good time at the hospital. Not many people can say that you know.

  2. Brave little guy here. Stay well.

  3. Hospitals can be scary places but it sounds like they put your little guy at ease. So pleased he is ok. Enjoy the pumpkin carving.

  4. He is adorable! I'm glad it turned out to be nothing. Although, I'm sure you were all scared out of your wits! Enjoy your pumpkin carving. I still have to go pick up some pumpkins for us!

  5. Aww he looks so cute! Hope he feels better soon.

  6. Glad it wasn't anything serious. I hope good health returns to your household soon! Have fun with the pumpkins!

  7. OMG - what a cutie! He wasn't scared at all, huh? I hope he gets better quick, and I'm eagerly awaiting pumpkin pics. :)

  8. Glad your little one is feeling better!

  9. I'm definitely glad he's Okay, but OMG he is the most ADORABLE little boy!! That picture is tooo cute... I bet he'll be playing doctor for some time - you know, performing 'surgery' on pumpkins. :D

    Have a great day! Eva

  10. What a lovely picture. I'm glad your lad's OK and that the medics were so kind to him. Hospital can be a scary place.
