
Friday, November 14, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-November 14, 2014

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

I am happy to be a co-host, along with these other lovely bloggers:

Diana Wilder
Katie @ TheCyborg Mom
CaffeMaggieato @ mscoffeehouse

I'd like to celebrate the joy of childhood.  We got our first snow of the year this week, though it hardly amounted to anything.  Still, my kids were overjoyed to see it.  I personally am no longer a fan of snow (too cold, too wet, too dangerous to drive in), but I do love to see the way my kids react to it.  My oldest just got a new pair of snow pants and snow boots, and he's eager to try them out.  The snow we have so far is not enough to really play in, but the forecast looks like that's about to change.  They're forecasting 2-3 inches of snow for Saturday, so it looks like my kids will soon get their wish of building a snowman.

I've relocated my writing inspiration.  I found it while sipping on a beer last night. Though I normally find it over a coffee, I am open to the inspiration found in other liquid consumables.  Why is it that I tend to have great ideas (at least in my estimation of them) while relaxing with beverages?  No matter the reason, I'm looking forward to settling back into my writing groove.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. I'll drink to that!
    I still get excited by snow. If there's enough on the roads, I don't have to go to work.

  2. I like snowy days now that I work from home and don't have to commute in the cold. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. YAY for finding writing inspiration!! We also have a layer of snow in Buffalo, and it didn't melt yet. Guess it's staying for a while.

  4. Talk of snow definitely makes me think Winter is here! Glad to hear you have found new inspiration.

  5. Okay - so you are becoming the next Ernest Hemingway? (smile) That's well worth celebrating, in the snow or not!
    Have a wonderful weekend with the children.

  6. I'm still 6 yrs old when it comes to snow (and fart jokes). I hope your kids get to build a snowman, and you stay safe while driving. If I'm working on a plot problem, I do dishes. My muse apparently lives in the detergent because I always come up with something good. Find inspiration anywhere you can. :)

  7. Glad you found your inspiration. My kids love the snow, too, but I agree with you, particularly the driving part. Hope your kids have fun building the snowman. Okay, now I'm singing that Frozen song in my head...

  8. There's definitely value in varying one's consumables. That muse can be found at the bottom of any is welcomed support to partake ;) Cheers to you!
