
Friday, December 19, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-December 19, 2014

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

I am a proud co-host, as are the following bloggers:

Diana Wilder
Katie @ TheCyborg Mom
CaffeMaggieato @ mscoffeehouse

My husband is working overtime up until the 23rd.  As of now, he also has to work Saturday.  While this is not going to be pleasant, it will be good for us financially.  And hey, the paycheck after Christmas is a perfect time to have a little extra money.  The other good news is that, once he's off work for Christmas, he doesn't have to go back until January 5th.  That will give us plenty of family time.

With Christmas happening next week, I'm looking forward to watching my kids open their presents.  I'm also considering doing some Christmas baking this weekend.  If I make anything interesting, I'll be sure to let you all know!

What would you like to celebrate?

1 comment:

  1. You will have a lot of family time! Enjoy and Merry Christmas, LG.
