
Friday, December 26, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-December 26, 2014

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

I'm a co-host for this weekly blogging event, along with these other wonderful bloggers:

Diana Wilder
Katie @ TheCyborg Mom
CaffeMaggieato @ mscoffeehouse

This has been a great week.  Last Friday, I won $100 off a $3 scratch ticket, so I was pretty happy about that.  That afternoon after my kids got out of school, I took them to the mall to see Santa, and that certainly made their day.

My son Jude went on a field trip to the movie theater on Tuesday, and he couldn't stop talking about how much he enjoyed it.

We spent Christmas Eve with my dad.  I got a new set of cookware, which I definitely needed, so I'm happy about that.  My husband got a Millennium Falcon, so we need to find a place to put that.  It looks awesome, though.

I spent the night after we got home wrapping presents (I had about 40 of them to wrap in total) and baking muffins.  I made a dozen blueberry muffins and a dozen apple cinnamon muffins.  Needless to say, that kept me busy until pretty late.  And I'm sure it's hardly a surprise to anyone who has or is familiar with small children when I say that they woke up as early as possible the next morning.  They were excited when they opened the gifts they'd asked Santa for: a new electric Thomas the Tank Engine for Jude (he used to have one but it was tragically lost one day), and a new Percy for Lyle (his old Percy broke).  They also got plenty of other toys and lots of candy.

We went to my in-laws Christmas in the afternoon.  Jude got a new train table, and Lyle got a drum set.  I can't tell you how excited they were about that.  They also got a DVD player for the car so they can watch movies on long trips.  That will be nice.

My in-laws got me a sewing machine, so I'm excited to start making things!  I, of course, have to re-learn how to use one.  I haven't actually used a sewing machine since high school.  I've done a lot of hand sewing since then, but they're very different activities.  Still, I'm sure I can pull it off.  I'll share pictures once I successfully make something worth sharing!

My husband and I also got a new Queen size bed, so we have to get that set up later today.  We didn't have a way to transport it home last night.  Our car was jam packed as it was, but I'm excited to get it home.  We've been needing a new bed for a long while.

Over the last couple of days, we've eaten way too much good food (I shudder to think what a scale would have to say about that) and got to spend time with family.  I'd say that's worth celebrating!

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Sounds like you have a lot to be grateful for! The Millennium Falcon is awesome btw ;) I hope you enjoy your new bed...we got a new latex mattress last summer and it has made such a huge difference. Have a Happy New Year!

  2. Merry belated Christmas to you! I'm glad you had a good time with family :) I know how you feel about fearing the scales. I so need to stop eating chocolate, and start doing my sun salutations again!! I am feeling pretty gross.

    Anyway ... take care :D

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! I love the Millennium Falcon - cool! :) I also asked for dishes for Christmas and got the ones I picked out which is nice since mine are literally falling apart. :) Merry belated Christmas!
