
Friday, December 5, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-December 5, 2014

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

I'm happy to act as a co-host, along with these other amazing bloggers:

Diana Wilder
Katie @ TheCyborg Mom
CaffeMaggieato @ mscoffeehouse

Last week I mentioned that I'd like to get back to quilting as another creative outlet.  I don't yet have all the supplies I need, but I have completed several new designs, so that's a plus.  One of the new designs is geometric, and the others have holiday themes.  It should be fun once I can get things started.

My writing is progressing at a slow but steady pace.  The story I'm working on right now is a challenging one, but I'm determined.

I made an amazing batch of brownies this week.  I was running low on cocoa powder and didn't think I'd be able to make them, but then I remembered that I had a chocolate bar hidden away (don't judge me!) and decided to melt it down and use it for the brownies.  Best decision ever!  They were the best brownies I ever made, so I'll have to use the same method next time.  It's amazing how adapting to unexpected circumstances can yield great results.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Bet those were real chocolaty brownies! We use butterscotch chips instead sometimes.

  2. Hiding choice bars? Sounds like a kindred spirit. Have a good weekend.

  3. Yay for writing - even if it's challenging, slow and steady wins the race! Good luck with your quilting. I'm waiting for pictures when your projects get off the ground. Big yay for secret choc bars (you better believe I have them!) and for awesome brownies! :)

  4. Well, now I want brownies! :) Please, please, please post pics of your quilting projects when you are done...I love looking at other peoples work.
