
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Express Yourself: Favorite Beverage

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

The question for this week is: Coffee, tea, soda . . . what's your fave beverage?

While I am a fan of many beverages, there is one I simply cannot live without.  Coffee. Just coffee.  Though I occasionally sample fancier versions of coffee, my every day go-to is just straight up coffee.  Black.  No adornments.

My love of coffee is so great that I decided to have a little fun with it and write a poem. I penned this poem while drinking coffee, of course.


Coffee, oh coffee,
where would I be
without your dark beauty
and aroma to wake me?

Coffee, my coffee,
you course through my veins.
Pungent and powerful,
you result in many stains.

Coffee, precious coffee,
I could never blame you.
When I wear something white,
I haven't thought things through.

Coffee, dear coffee.
Rings left behind on pages.
The writer in me rejoices,
as if they are the work of sages.

Coffee, sweet coffee,
I have one wish that does abide.
That my TARDIS mug truly were
bigger on the inside.

That's all from me!  What is your favorite beverage?


  1. Sorry, would not be my first choice! You can drink my share.

  2. I heart you! That poem is awesome! I, too, love coffee, but with vanilla syrup added. If that isn't available, then I just drink it black.

  3. I loved the poem almost as I love my morning coffee! Thanks for writing it.

  4. Love your poem! =) Even though I do not like coffee. Like Alex, you can him mine. I'll take a big ol' fountain pop. Diet plz, w/some vanilla thrown in!

  5. I love coffee too and that poem, is awesome. :)
