
Friday, January 30, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things-January 30, 2015

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  I'm a proud co-host for this weekly blogging event, along with the always cool TheCyborgMom.

It's been a crazy week here.  I learned that calling the IRS in an attempt to have a simple question answered is the most aggravating thing this family has ever had to deal with, but the question was answered.  At least we came through that mini ordeal with the answer we needed.

The refund check from the post office did finally come in.  Yes!  I am so relieved that issue is finally resolved.  I can't begin to tell you what a relief that is.

I also have some rather big news.  I'd wondered whether I should share it now or wait for a bit, but I'm not good at keeping certain things to myself.  I just found out this week that I'm having a baby.  Sometime in late September, only a couple of weeks before my birthday, I'll be a mother of three.  My kids are happy, as is my husband, but of the three of them, my son Jude is the most excited about the news.  He went to school and told all his teachers and friends.  Apparently there was no keeping it a secret here, even if I had wanted to.  Jude would never have allowed it.

And finally, I'd like to celebrate laughter.  This short little video made me laugh, and I thought it might do the same for you.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Wow - big celebration here! Where to start? Ooh, money rec'd; no money paid to IRS. Having a baby - what a blessing, LG... and the weather video was very funny- thank you. It's a pleasure sharing in this celebration! (smile)

  2. Congratulations! That's lovely news. :-)

  3. Congratulations! A new baby is definitely something to celebrate. As long as it's a wanted baby… And you clearly want it if you're celebrating about it!

  4. That"s the best news I've heard all week!!!! Congratulations!!!! What a wonderful birthday gift!!!

  5. Hilarious that the weather guy just went with it.
    Congratulations! Glad your son was so excited about the news.

  6. This is the husband, who just so happens to not have a Google+ account. I just want to take a minute to thank you Laura for being here with us through this very interesting week. You are always there for me and this family. Everything from making daily trips to the Post Office. Too sitting next too me for hours while I try to get a hold of the IRS. Too carrying each of our soon too be three children. You are the most interesting and wonderful person I have ever met. I love you and I am very grateful for everything you are too me and our kids. I also can't wait to read about my terrible grammar.

  7. Congratulations! That's not a secret easy to keep - so exciting!

  8. Congratulations! That's wonderful :)

  9. Wow! Wow! Wow! That's wonderful! Congratulations!

  10. The IRS is so annoying. But congrats on the baby! Exciting and wonderful news :)

  11. Congrats!! That's such exciting news for you and your family (and especially Jude! lol) I'm glad to hear the PO and the IRS got their butts in gear and helped you out this week. That weatherman was hilarious! He handled the whole thing so well. Have a great weekend! :)

  12. I'm still laughing as I type this, about the weather clip. LMAO. Thanks for sharing that - awesome!
    Also: HOORAY FOR BABIES! That's probably the best news you could ever celebrate <3

  13. Congratulations on the baby! And on the IRS stuff being out of the way.

  14. Congratulations! What fabulous news. :)

  15. Huge congrats on the baby news... how awesome:-) Oh, loved that video.. made me giggle.

  16. Congratulations! Not such a small thing to celebrate :)

  17. I hear the IRS is understaffed...... Congratulations on the baby!! Three is a good number.

  18. You win the blog hops this week! Yay! Congrats! =) A baby AND a check!!!

  19. CONGRATS on the baby news!

  20. Isn't it the best when the government agencies actually behave like government agencies and serve the public?

  21. I saw that clip for the Phoenix weather and forwarded it onto my brother's FB page who lives there. Hilarious!

    And thanks for stopping by during the Blitz and saying hello.
