
Friday, January 9, 2015

Celebrations and The Sarcasm, Snark & Sass Blogfest

It's a day of celebrations all around for me!  First of all, I would like to mention that Celebrate the Small Things will continue with Lexa Cain as host.  Yay!  I hope everyone will take the time to wish her well in her duties.  I will continue to co-host, as will Katie @ TheCyborgMom.  Below is the new linky list, so if you've been participating and would like to continue, you'll need to sign up again.  And if you'd like to hop on board for the first time, we'll be happy to have you!

My son Jude's glasses broke last night, but they're still under warranty so they should be replaced for free.  It's a bad situation that is bound to turn out better than it might have, so I'll still count it as an overall win for the week.

A hose broke on one of our cars this week, but my husband happened to have a brand new hose sitting in the trunk already, so that turned out to be pretty handy.

Now it's time to get down to an important order of business.  Today is also my third blogging anniversary, and I'm hosting the Sarcasm, Snark & Sass Blogfest to celebrate.  I can hardly believe I've been blogging for this long!

Anyway, I decided to post sarcastic responses to a few stupid questions.  Some questions come from life experience, while others were pulled out of thin air.  I hope you enjoy!

(You walk inside dripping wet.)
Question: Hey, did you get caught in the rain?
Answer:  Nope, I was just testing out the new outdoor shower I installed.

(Someone looks down at your broken glasses.)
Question:  Did you break your glasses?
Answer:  No.  The left bow decided to break things off and try to get together with those sleek new frames my neighbor just got.

(Someone approaches as your car is reduced to a cinder.)
Question:  Your car is on fire, huh?
Answer:  No.  It's just auditioning for a role as a firecracker in an upcoming film.

(Someone looks down at the gaping wound in your leg.)
Question:  Have you been shot?
Answer:  Of course not!  This is just an extra large piercing in an unorthodox place.

(Someone looks down at the table filled with food.)
Question:  Is that dinner?
Answer:  No, it's bait, and it obviously worked, because you're here now.  (You smile wickedly.)

There's my snark for the day.  Have you ever dished out a sarcastic answer in response to a silly question?


  1. I have something else for you to celebrate!

    Thank so much for commenting on my blog post last week. Because I only got three comments, I've decided to give a copy of An Unstill Life to all three of you!

    If you let me know what format you read your e-books in, I'll send you a copy right away.

    Have a wonderful weekend. I'm going to go and think up some sarcastic quips to post.

  2. Wow, he had a fitting hose in the trunk. That's IS worth celebrating! Glad to see you're still co-hosting. And congrats to 3 years!!!

  3. Such a great idea for a blogfest! I just posted mine, and looking forward to visiting others.


  4. I see you've combined two events- I've done the same.

    Thanks for hosting L.G.!

  5. Bait! I like that one. Congratulations on three years of blogging and thanks for hosting the blogfest.

  6. Those are funny!
    Happy anniversary!
    Nice blogfest!

  7. Great answers! I love the "bait" one. Happy Blogaversary!

  8. Happy Blogaversary! I refrain from sarcasm -- not good enough with my fists for what would follow! But my young hero, Victor Standish, is the Clown Prince of Snark -- it's how he deals with all the fear in his life.

  9. Happy blogging anniversary! You gotta love sarcasm. I love the glasses one, well, probably because I wear glasses...

  10. Happy 3rd Blog-versary!! I never knew glasses could be under warranty. It worked out well for your son, huh? And with the hose too. So it seems disasters were mitigated this week. I loved the silly questions, especially the piercing/wound one! Thanks for showing the new CTST linky!

  11. Happy anniversary! You are truly the mistress of sarcasm.

  12. Happy blogaversary! Love those sarcastic answers. Hehehe!

  13. Congratulations on your third-year blogging anniversary! And thanks for hosting the Snarkfest. My husband, bless his heart, is a natural at stating the obvious. But I've learned he does it to acknowledge the situation and open up the conversation, and I've worked hard to bite my tongue. :-)

  14. I didn't post any celebrations yesterday, but will try extra hard next week. In the meantime: my son has a t-shirt on which is written 'Join the Sarcasm Society - like we need your help.'

  15. Happy 3rd blogiversary LG! Looks like you have quite a bit to celebrate, and thank you for continuing to co-host CTST. I was afraid we might lose it for a minute.

    Great job on the sarcasm! Have a great day. Hugs, Eva

  16. Happy Blogiversary! That's great that your broken items won't be huge problems to fix. Thanks for continuing to co-host CTST! And I enjoyed the snarkiness. I will admit to the occasional use of sarcasm when presented with less-than-intelligent questions.

  17. I can't find your email address to send the book to… Can you let me know?
