
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Express Yourself: New Year's Resolutions

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

The prompt for this week is: Do you have a New Year's Resolution, if so, would you like to share?

I don't have an official resolution, but I do have goals.  First of all, I want to learn how to do some fancy tricks on my new sewing machine.  I have plans for purses, quilts, throw pillows, and all sorts of other things I want to make.  Before I do that, though, I'll have to experiment a bit.

I also hope to keep up my determination when it comes to writing, no matter how discouraging things might be.

Nothing exciting, I know, but I'm definitely excited to see what 2015 brings me.  What are your New Year's resolutions?


  1. I always wanted a sewing machine lol. I used to imagine all the wonderful things I would make with it. Although the reality is, if I'd have actually got one, it probably would have been used just a few times and then sat gathering dust. I may be useless at staying focused on stuff like that, but I do enjoy seeing what others make, so be sure to share some of your makes, I for one would love to see them. :)

  2. Maybe your creativity with sewing will spur your writing.

  3. You will probably find that the sewing will inspire your writing, and your writing will inspire your sewing. Being creative is being creative, regardless of the medium.

  4. I'd love to learn how to sew! Great goals!

  5. I thought I was signed up for this. Anyway I just added my name to the list. I don;t have any resolutions other than publish my current WIP in the final editing stage and finish two more I've outlined. Good luck with yours!
