
Friday, February 20, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things: February 20, 2015 and Express Yourself: Apocalyptic Scenarios

Here I am, doing another double post today.  I didn't intend to, but this week didn't go the way I planned.  Sometimes it happens that way.

Let's start things out right and Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain. TheCyborgMom and I are Lexa's proud co-hosts.

I spent a good portion of this week feeling sick.  Yesterday was the worst, but I'm feeling much better today.  I think that's worth celebrating.

Earlier this week, before illness descended upon me, I pulled out a story I'd abandoned months ago and decided to try to finish it.  It seems to be going well so far, and now that I'm on the mend, I hope that will continue to be the case.

The weather here is cold, but at least it's been sunny the last couple of days.  The sunshine always makes me feel happier.

What would you like to celebrate?

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

The question for this week is: What's your favorite kind of apocalyptic scenario (natural disaster, zombie, alien invasion, etc.)?

My husband has plans for what to do during a zombie apocalypse, so that one might be doable.  On the other hand, I've always wanted to meet aliens.  Sure, during an alien invasion they aren't coming in peace, but I look at it this way.  A lot of them will just be soldiers following orders.  They may not want to be a part of the invading.  You never know.  It might be possible to find some sympathizers and create an awesome rebellion out of the deal.  Yes, I'm envisioning myself as a rebel fighter, even though I know I'm not much for running or fighting.  Maybe I'll be the diplomat.  I can be tactful when I want to.  Hmmm.  Maybe.

What's your favorite apocalyptic scenario?


  1. Sorry you've been poorly, but glad you managed to breath life into an old story. Have a nice weekend.

  2. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, and yay for sunny days! They make everyone feel better. Good luck with your new/old short story, and have a great weekend! :)

  3. Glad you are feeling better. Have a great weekend!

  4. Yes! Alien invasion.
    Sorry you've been sick this week.

  5. We have more snow on the way, is that worth celebrating? LOL

    Any chance they could be hot aliens? I'm kind of tired of the lizard looking ones. Then I'd volunteer to be a diplomat.

  6. Glad you're feeling better. Have a good weekend.

  7. Another person celebrating the sunshine! Glad you are feeling better. Hope the creative juices continue to flow! Happy Weekend!

  8. I hope you're feeling much better. And good for you on the writing progress. It's fun to pull out something that inspired you long ago, and find new life in it.

  9. Good luck with the story and stay well.
