
Friday, February 6, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things: February 6, 2015 and Express Yourself: Thank You Notes

I'm bringing you another double posting.

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  I'm proud to be a co-host, along with the awesome TheCyborgMom.

This week I'm celebrating the return of warm weather.  After a snowy weekend and cold temperatures that followed, today was warm.  I'm posting late because I took advantage of the weather and ran some errands.  The kids and I also walked home from school.

Lyle spent most of the week sick, but he was healthy enough to go back to school today. Yay!

I won some cool dice from Christine Rains, and I got those in the mail yesterday.  I'll definitely have fun with those!

What would you like to celebrate?

Now I'd like to Express Myself.  This weekly meme is hosted by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

The question for this week is:  What's the most creative way you can come up with to send a thank you note?

When I say thank you, I like to do something personal.  I've been known to make cards out of children's markers that include funny, personalized poems.  I also like to bake for people.  Nothing says "you rock" like a homemade cake.

If I had ninja's at my disposal, I'd use them to deliver my thank you.  There are few things in this world more memorable than receiving your very own ninja-gram!

How do you like to say thank you?


  1. Sounds like you had a nice day. Enjoy the weekend!

  2. Yay for winning the dice from Christina! I'm glad Lyle is better and that everyone's enjoying warmer weather. We had warmer weather this week too. And I agree - there's no better way to say "Thank you" than a cake!! :)

  3. Glad the weather's getting warmer, I'm quite looking forward for Spring to come here.

  4. Cool that you won some geeky dice from Christine!

  5. You won the dice, yay :) It's freezing where I am, I could use a sunny day. Enjoy x

  6. Enjoy the warmer weather while it lasts!

  7. So you had company this week too? My son was sick as well. Hope everyone is all better in your household and your warm day was well spent!

  8. Ninja grams would be amazing! The warm weather is a treat. Hope you enjoyed it :)

  9. Ah. Saying "thank you" is essential! :) And I'm enjoying the warmer spring weather, too! :)

  10. I love the idea about Ninja Grams! I'd love to get one of those, so I'm sure others feel the same.
