
Friday, March 13, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things: March 13, 2015 and Express Yourself: Occupation

Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  TheCyborgMom and I are happy as always to be her assistants.

It's been a tough week, so I haven't been doing a lot of blog commenting.  Sorry for that, but I've had some stuff to work through.  After my miscarriage last week, I've been trying to take care of myself.  My lovely friend Chelsea brought me coffee, wine, and various other goodies to cheer me up.  It meant a lot!

Lots of you have stopped by to offer me so many kind words.  Thank you!  You guys are the best!

I've been eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise.  That makes me feel better when times get tough.  The weather here has also been gorgeous, so I've been taking my boys to the park every day after school.

I also submitted a couple short stories to different magazines this week.  I have no idea how that will turn out, but as long as I keep trying, I know I've accomplished something!

I'd also like to take a brief moment to celebrate the life of the amazing writer Terry Pratchett.  We'll miss you!

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

The question for this week is:  If you could try out one occupation for a week, what would you choose?

If I didn't have to worry about meeting the physical fitness requirements, I'd be an astronaut.  It's something I always thought would be amazing, but it's a rigorous and demanding occupation.

If I were forced to pick something more reasonable, I'd write fortunes for fortune cookies.  yes, this is a thing you can do.  Those fortunes don't write themselves!  I'd do it for longer, but I'm sure I'd run out of ideas if I tried to keep going beyond the initial week.

What occupation would you try?


  1. Glad you're doing better. Take all the time you need. We miss you but understand.

  2. L.G. - It takes time, and you also are concerned with family too. Blogging, and all of us will be here; no hurry!
    You're doing the right things for you. I hope you hear something good from your submissions.
    I don't think I met Terry, but how sweet of you to remember and celebrate her.
    Loved the idea of you wanting to be an astronaut! Seems you would surely be "writing off the edge." :)

  3. Look after yourself, take all the time you need.

  4. Really happy you're feeling a bit better... and keeping healthy and busy are both great ideas:)

  5. Don't worry about not commenting as much as you'd like, we all understand! Keep looking after yourself :)

  6. Take care of yourself and feel better. Good luck with your submissions! Terry Pratchett will be missed.

  7. Taking care of yourself is what's most important right now. Don't worry about us in the blogosphere. We'll be here when you're ready to come back. Glad you've been able to enjoy some good weather. I don't know what job I would choose. I'll have to give that some thought.

  8. Glad you are feeling better and kudos on the submissions. Just take it slow.
