
Monday, May 18, 2015

Blood, Boobs & Carnage Blogfest

It's time for the awesome Blood, Boobs & Carnage Blogfest!  You can't hear the title of this one and not be intrigued.  It is hosted by the inimitable Alex J. Cavanaugh and the amazing Heather Gardner.

The film I chose for today has all three components. and it's also a little nostalgic for me.  I get to the reason why in a minute.

High Tension is a French film, and it was released in the United States in June 2005. It's the movie my parents went to see for their anniversary, and that was the night my now-husband came over to my house to officially ask me out.  When the movie came out on DVD months later, my mom said that he and I should watch it together.

We ended up watching it six or seven times that weekend with various groups of friends.  We wanted to see how they reacted to it.  The reactions were always dramatic. I wish we had some of them on camera.

There is blood.  We're dealing with a psycho killer here, and there's a scene with a saw that had me cringing.  It was a literal blood bath.

There are boobs.  Our main characters are two college-age girls.  They aren't naked, but their clothes are tight, and the one girl is in her cute little pajamas.

There is carnage.  People die, and no one seems to be safe.

This twisted little film also has a twist ending that makes subsequent re-viewings all the more enjoyable.  Upon our second and third viewings, my husband was pointing out how certain shots and the way scenes were constructed hinted at the twist ending.

I feel nostalgic when I remember watching this movie with my husband in his parents' basement for the fifth time while he says things like "Oh, I never noticed that shot before.  That was brilliant."  Good times.


  1. I love to watch films over so that you can pick up on those little subtle hints.

    I'm LOVING this Blogfest!

  2. I had never heard of this movie, but I've seen it posted about twice today!

  3. You're the second person to mention that film and I've never even seen it!
    Thanks for participating in our blogfest.

  4. Never heard of this one, but it makes me wonder: What was the first movie I saw with my husband? Hmm . . .

  5. It's always cool to be introduced to a new film. :)

  6. I forgot how messed up that film is, now it's coming back... great choice.

    Jeremy [THE WOLF]
    Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine

  7. I'm not familiar with this film but it sounds interesting. Funny that your parents went to see it for an anniversary and then recommended it to you and your boyfriend.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Road trippin' with A to Z
    Tossing It Out

  8. I haven't seen it but it sounds like a great choice for the B,B&C Blogfest!

  9. I've never heard of it. And here you've watched many times.

  10. Isn't it fun to go back to a movie with a twist to see all the foreshadowing?

    God, Entertainment, & Annoying Things

  11. You have fantastic taste! I picked this film today too. :) I've only seen it that one time, but I wish I had a chance to see it a again to get all those brilliant shots that hinted at the twist.

  12. Wow, quite a blood bath for the first date. Psycho's are usually good at killing :)

  13. Whoa, I could never watch a horror flick that many times in a weekend. I barely make it through a first time.

  14. Sound like a pretty neat horror film. Cool that your parents watched it on their anniversary and then suggested you and your husband watch it. Here from the BBC Blogfest

  15. Wow! Your own personal cult following for a horror flick. I have not seen this one -yet. But usually I have a hard time not laughing at the absurdity of the film? Not sure what that says?

  16. This is the second time I've seen this referenced in the blogfest so there must be something to it. Gotta love a movie where you can always see something new, and your parents sound very cool for seeing it - doesn't sound like a typical anniversary film!

  17. hmm, I never heard of this movie but your recommendation is going to have me seeking it out for sure. Sounds like a great flick. Love that you watched it so many times that first weekend. What a great love story too. :)
    Michele at Angels Bark

  18. Now I have to find out more about this! You're the second person to mention it for the fest! Love your story behind your choice, too.
    THANK YOU for joining Alex and me in this EPIC blogfest!
    Heather M. Gardner

  19. I've never seen it but it sounds like a blast- have to see if we can find it on Netflix!
