
Friday, May 29, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things and Express Yourself: May 29, 2015

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  TheCyborgMom and I are her co-hosts.

I'd like to celebrate the life of my Great Grandma Inez.  She died from cancer this week. She would have been 100 on July 17th, so no one can say she didn't live a good long life.  I have a lot of fond childhood memories of going over to her house.  She always had the best homemade pickles waiting for us.  She also spent a lot of time in the garden.

The kids love T-ball so far.  It's entertaining watching a group of energetic little kids learn to play the game for the first time.  So much enthusiasm!

My husband and I will have been married for 8 years on June 2nd.  Where has the time gone?

What would you like to celebrate?

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

The prompt for this week is:  Name a few things you like to eat while writing.

Well, I always have to have a cup of either tea or coffee, so any snacks need to go well with either of those beverages.  Chocolate in any variation is a good thing to eat while writing.  I also like freshly made cookies or brownies.  On the healthy side of things, a good salad is always a great thing for me to eat while writing.  I like going to coffee shops to write, and when I do, a good strong coffee and a side salad are requirements!

What do you like to eat while writing?


  1. Sorry for your loss. She did lead a full life. You will always carry her in your heart.

  2. I'm sorry for your loss, and she sounds like quite the inspiration.

  3. No matter how old a person is, their loss is felt. I'm sorry for your loss. The blog roll looks like fun. I think I'll check out a few of the posts.

  4. Happy Anniversary on June 2! I'm sorry about your great grandma, but it's nice you have lots of memories to keep her alive in your heart. (My grandma always had amazing homemade pickles too! I think canning is a lost art...) Have a lovely weekend!

  5. My sympathies to you and your family. It sounds like we're in similar places. My husband just lost his grandmother, our son is playing t-ball for the first time, and our 7th anniversary is today! :) I hope you have a wonderful one.

  6. I'm sorry that you lost your grandmother, but glad you seem to be surviving. Good luck to your kids with T-ball, and congratulations to you and your husband on making eight years.

  7. Aw, yay, Inez! I'm so glad you have known a great grandparent. So many people don't, and they bring such unique insight into our lives. You and your family are in my thoughts.

  8. Congrats on your anniversary! Sorry for the loss of your grandpa always joked that the first 100 years were the hardest ;) He lived until 94...I still miss him. For what would have been his 100th birthday, I cooked a huge meal and had a party with friends and loved ones in his honor...he would have loved it!

  9. Sorry to hear about your great grandma. She sounded like such a great lady! Anyone who makes awesome pickles wins points in my book!

    Still can't believe you and Jamon have been married for 8 years tomorrow. That was one fun, chaotic day! Time is zipping by too quickly!
