
Friday, June 19, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things-July 19th, 2015

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  I am one of her co-hosts.  Tonja Decker of Kidbits is starting this week as a co-host as well, so let's all give her a warm welcome!

This has been another crazy week for me.  My novella A Silent Soliloquy made the Smashwords Premium Catalog, which is all kinds of awesome.  That means my book is already available for pre-order through Barnes & Noble and Kobo and other similar retailers in addition to being available through Smashwords.  It's been crazy seeing it there and knowing that people will soon be able to buy it.  You can also add it on Goodreads now too.

My blog tour is also coming together.  I still have two spots open that need to be filled: Wednesday, July 15th and Thursday, July 16th.  If you're interested in helping me out either of those days, please let me know and leave your contact information in the comments.  Thanks again to everyone who has signed up so far!  You guys are the best!

My kids are nearing the end of t-ball season.  Next week is the last, and I have the feeling they'll miss it when it's over.  The library's summer reading program started this week, though, and that runs through the end of July.  I know they'll have a good time with that.

My husband has been working on a video game related YouTube Channel.  He's excited about the project and I'm excited for him.  It's him and some friends playing video games and inserting plenty of colorful commentary.  You can check it out here, but be warned: this is only suitable for adults.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Sounds like a very full week. Congratulations, don't forget you in all the hub-bub!

  2. I'll take one of those blog tour spots. My email is laura.clipson @ :)

  3. Congratulations on A Silent Soliloquy, you must be very excited, hope the blog tour goes well. Great to have Tonja as a new co-host.

    I left a nomination for a blog award for you over at my blog :)

  4. You have lots to celebrate! Congratulations and happy summer to you and your children.

  5. Congrats on getting your book onto Smashwords. I didn't realize they did pre-orders. (In fact, I never realized that having a book in the Premium catalog means it's for sale at other vendors. I just looked at the "Tickets" and saw none, so I thought no vendor was interested.) Good luck on your tour and on your hubby's video adventures! :)

  6. Congrats on your novella! How great that must feel :)

  7. Will download from the iBookstore the moment it's there!
    Video game commentary is always funny.

  8. Lots of celebrating going on here. Enjoy!

  9. Wow. You have a lot of balls in play! But plenty to celebrate.

  10. Lots of great celebrations for you this week. :)

  11. All of the tour spots are filled now! Thanks to everyone who volunteered!

  12. What an exciting time for you! I remember playing t-ball way way way back in the day. I still couldn't hit the ball. yeah, I was that kid. Best of luck with the release.

  13. Congratulations. Have a great blog tour when it starts.
