
Friday, June 26, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things: June 26, 2015

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja and I are her co-hosts!

My dad had to spend the night in the hospital this week for a heart-related issue.  He got to go home yesterday afternoon and he's feeling much better.  My dad hates being in the hospital with a passion (as do most of us), so he was relieved to go home.

Today is the last t-ball game of the season, so my kids are excited about that.

The release date for A Silent Soliloquy is a little over a week away now.  I'm making good progress on finishing the posts for my blog tour, and I should be sending those out early next week.  I'm excited and terrified.

Suzanne Furness gave me the Encouraging Thunder Award last week!

What you can do with Encouraging Thunder Award:
Post it on your blog.
Grant other bloggers with the award.

What you can't do with the award:
Abuse or misuse the logo.
Claim that it's your own handmade logo.

What you should do after receiving the award:
Enjoy the award!
Thank via comments or mention the blogger who gave you the award.

No questions or complicated rules. It's acknowledgement  for those who support and encourage.

I'd like to offer this award to everyone who helped me with my cover reveal and/or signed on to help me with my upcoming blog tour.  Whether you choose to pass it on or not, I just want all of you to know how much I appreciate your help!

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. How great that your dad recovered so quickly and is home now. Good luck to your boys on their t-ball final. Yay for getting guest posts written! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I do hope your dad is up to 120% soon!
    And how exciting for the approaching date!

  3. Sorry your father was in the hospital! Praying for full recovery.
    Just over a week - get excited.

  4. Here's sending prayers your way! And congrats on the award as well as the last T-ball game!

  5. Those are some wonderful things to celebrate... so glad your dad is doing better and congrats on the release date for your book and for the blog award! Hope you have a wonderful weekend LG :)

    Lori @ The Rattling Bones

  6. Glad your father's feeling better. Good luck with the release and congrats on the award.

  7. Good to hear your dad s out of the hospital. My dad had a heart attack when I was in college. I was kind of glad he did because it seems like when heart disease is detected, it's pretty treatable. That's way better than having no signs and dying of a massive attack.

    Best of luck on your new release! And congrats on the award.

  8. Good luck with the blog tour and I hope your Dad gets a second wind super fast. Congratulations on the thunder award, your fast speed lightening!

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