
Friday, July 24, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things: July 24, 2015

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja and I are her co-hosts.

The kids enjoyed being in the parade last weekend.  They'd be in a parade every weekend if it were possible.  I got a sunburn that same day, but it was a minor one, and it didn't bother me by the following day, so I'll celebrate that.

Writing has been going reasonably well.  I've also been doing some editing, and that's going well, so how can I complain about that?

I've decided, as a way to promote myself on Smashwords, I'm going to offer a collection of ten short stories for free.  They're already written.  Six of them have previously appeared on my blog, but I'm revising all of them to some degree for this collection. The other four stories are brand new.  Since everything is already written, I just need to get everything polished up.  I figure people will jump at the chance to read something free, and if they like my work, they might be more inclined to check out my other stuff.   It's worth a shot, right?  Anyway, I'll let all of you know when that's ready.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. It is worth a shot. That's how M. Pax got started. She had free short stories when her first novel came out.

  2. I think the free offering is a great plan- it's a gift to your readers and they're more likely to thank you for it by investing money in future volumes. Happy Friday!

  3. I look forward to reading your stories :)

  4. haha, yay for sunburns!
    And will definitely support you:)

  5. Good luck with your short story polishing! I hope it gets some more interest going for you...have a great weekend!

  6. What an interesting idea, and it sounds good to me. Hope it draws in more readers. Lol! Not a parade every weekend??? Glad your kids and fun!

  7. Sunburns are no fun. Good thing yours wasn't a big bother.

  8. If your kids could be in a parade every day they would. Haha! So cute! I think it's definitely a good idea to take stories that are already written and put them on Smashwords.If people read your work and are impressed, they'll remember you and read more of your things. Soon they'll grow to trust you and start buying things. This all takes a long time, but as we know, writing is a marathon not a sprint. Have a great weekend! (And thanks for downloading my story!)

  9. Ah, someone else singing the praises of Smashwords. I really must get my act together and sort out my IRS issues. I hope you have success with it.

  10. I think my kids would be in a parade every week if there was one too… Good idea about the short stories. I have a ton piled up too, so maybe I should start thinking about doing the same.
