
Friday, October 23, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things-October 23, 2015

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain.  Tonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts.

It's been an eventful week.  I submitted my story for the IWSG Anthology Contest.  It gives me a sense of accomplishment to put my work out there.  If anyone is interested in entering and hasn't yet done so, you have until November 1st!  

I am now focusing on the edits for my Christmas novella Self-Help 101 or: How I Learned to Take Over the World Through Tolerating My Family.  I think the remaining edits should be fairly minor, so I'm not worried.  I'll soon be announcing a cover reveal for that one, so keep an eye out.  I'm also planning on doing a Christmas-themed blog tour, but I'll talk more about that soon.

I did have some bad luck this week.  My laptop broke on Monday.  Not cool.  The computer itself works well, but something seems to have come loose where the power cord plugs in.  I don't know any of the technical terms for what happened exactly, but I can tell you this much.  It lost the ability to charge, which means after the battery runs down, the functional laptop becomes a nice paperweight.  My sister-in-law was nice enough to lend me her laptop so I wouldn't fall behind on my writing, so I owe her big time for that.  Then, Wednesday night, my husband fiddled with it and got it to work using electrical tape, and he told me that if it stops working again, I should tip the computer on its side.  I got a good laugh picturing myself sitting at an angle to make that work.  The good news is that hubby says he knows someone who should be able to fix it properly.  Fingers crossed.  One way or another, I won't let computer issues stop me from getting things done.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. I've had the same problem with my computer. Sucakge!

    Congrats on submitting to IWSG anthology. I so wanted to do so, but I just couldn't think of a good enough idea to do with the prompt. :(

    Best of luck with your writing, x

  2. Always amusing when stupid remedies work. Did you use Duct tape? Because that's the answer to everything.
    Glad you submitted to the contest!

  3. Congrats on submitting your work to IWSG Anthology contest!
    A few years back, the cord to my laptop wouldn't work properly. My dad matched up some code on the cord and searched on Ebay and found me another one. So maybe you could try that route, if needed?

  4. A repairable laptop is worth celebrating! As is a DH who knows how to get it running! Well done!

  5. I love the title of your Christmas Novella, and good luck with the story you submitted to IWSG! I have somewhat of the same problem with my computer, very testy. I gave up after I couldn't get any of my documents, and ended up buying a new one. I hope you don't end up standing on your head to write....hahaaa

  6. Keep writing, no matter what, damn computers keep trying to defeat us. LOL I have so many problems with mine there is no way I'm going to try and up grade to Windows 10 or whatever it's called. Hubby advised I wait until I get a new one where it's already loaded. He's smart, too!

  7. Computers can be a real pain. I hope you're able to get yours fixed. Just thinking about writing sideways gives me a crick in my neck.
    Congrats on submitting your story, and good luck with your edits!

  8. Crossing my fingers for your computer.

  9. Yay for subbing the story to IWSG and on the Christmas story progress! Boo for stupid plugs that don't work. I have lots of trouble with all the connect points of various charging wires, my mouse connection, and with USB plugs. So aggravating to be jiggling all the time! I hope your laptop get fixed quick!!

  10. Congrats to getting that story in! But how mean of your computer to stop working- a nightmare. I love your hubs fix-it-up, though. Golden.

  11. Bummer about the computer. Hope it gets fixed quickly and stays that way.

  12. Sorry you're having computer troubles! Hope you manage to get it fixed :)

  13. It's great to be making progress with submissions and editing, even if the computer's being a pain. Hope you're having a good weekend.
