
Friday, November 13, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things-November 13, 2015

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts.

Thanks to everyone who helped me out with the cover reveal for Self-Help 101 or: How I Learned to Take Over the World Through Tolerating My Family on Monday!  I got a lot of good comments, and that's always encouraging.  I'd also like to thank everyone who has signed on to be part of my blog tour.  As of now, I have every spot filled except for one.  The last day of my blog tour, which is Wednesday, December 16th, is still available, and the topic for that day is mistletoe.  If anyone would like to claim that spot, just let me know!

I got a proof for the CreateSpace version of my novella in the mail this week, and it looks pretty good.  Getting that in the mail got me all excited for release day.  Do I really need to wait until December 1st?

I also started work on the next novella in the Self-Help 101 series, and I'm pleased with my progress so far.  I love the excitement that comes with a project like this!

I'd also like to thank Jax and Dani from Cover Girls for the $20 gift card that I won through Spooktoberfest.  As soon as I got it, I did some book shopping.  Shopping for books always makes my day.

We had a furnace problem this week.  It started with a loud banging sound, and after that, the furnace sounded like a jackhammer.  It turns out the filter got sucked inside, and once that was removed and a new filter put into place, all was well.  I'm glad the problem was cheap and fast to fix.

Also, my broken laptop is fixed!  Yay!  My husband and some of his friends tore it apart and repaired it last Friday night.  I'm so glad to have my computer back.  Seriously.  I missed it.  I'm seriously grateful to my sister in law who lent me her laptop to use until we got mine running again.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Glad you got your furnace working without being costly. I hate it when my laptop is out of order for any reason, Yay for family members who help out. So pleased to hear the excitement is mounting for your new release.
    Happy weekend.

  2. I managed to get three books from my gift card, definitely happy with that! Glad your laptop is fixed, and your furnace too. Have a great weekend!

  3. I love your cover, LG and I'd love to take that Dec. 16th spot. Glad to hear your hubby fixed your computer and that you're working on your next project.

  4. Lots to celebrate here!
    I'm glad you liked the giftcard. Dani and I love reading what you're going to come up with every year for Spooktoberfest! You never disappoint!

  5. Nice to have people helping you out, whether it's with promoting the book or fixing your computer. :) Enjoy your weekend.

  6. December first will be here before you know it!
    That furnace has some serious suckage.

  7. Good that all is well on the furnace front, and new books are lovely! I won a few this Realms Faire week and it's awesome!
    Happy Weekend!

  8. Two important things fixed! Awesome!
    I bet it's handy to have family members and friends that can fix laptops. No need for Fry's, Best Buy, or the small repair shops.
    Congrats on the book front! :)

  9. What a lot of good news this week! Yay for the new cover, for the gift card, for the fixed furnace - and most especially for the fact your computer works again. I'd die without mine!!! :O

  10. Getting proofs is always exciting! So are new books! It's great that you were able to get both your furnace and your laptop fixed without a lot of expense. That's definitely worth celebrating! Good luck with your new novella!

  11. It sounds like you had a lot of great news this week! And it's so cool to see your book in print. Have a great weekend!

  12. Lots of good news. It's always nice when things are a cheap fix.

  13. Yay to fixed furnaces, working laptops and up-coming release and tours. I'd say it's pure awesomeness.
