
Friday, November 27, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things-November 27, 2015

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts.

I'll start with the bad news of the week.  My son Lyle fell down the stairs on Wednesday night and sprained his right foot.  It's all swollen and painful and he can't walk on it.  We had a fun trip to the ER, and he's going to be relatively incapacitated for the next few days.  Four-year-old kids don't like being incapacitated either.  Still, it could have been worse, and while it's a rather miserable experience for him, he'll heal.

Now for the good.  Self-Help 101 or: How I Learned to Take Over the World Through Tolerating My Family is coming out on Tuesday!  I'll be giving away free copies, so be sure to stop by next week to check it out!

We had Thanksgiving dinner with my dad, and I'll be making another Thanksgiving dinner this weekend.  It is definitely a bad week to be on a diet.

I'm continuing to work on my writing, and things are going well.  I have the next installment in the Self-Help 101 series started, and I've also done some work on a companion short story that goes along with it.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Sorry to hear about your son's injury. Sounds painful. Enjoy the Thanksgiving meals... Yum. Lots of other things to celebrate this week.

  2. Aww, sorry to hear about your son.
    I have my post ready for you on my blog. =)

  3. Sorry to hear about your son's accident, but you seem to have plenty to celebrate, too. Have a good weekend.

  4. Yikes!!! The fall could've been much worse. I wish you luck keeping him still for a few weeks!!! Congrats on your new release this Tuesday!!!!

  5. Congratulations on your book and I pray Lyle heals quickly. Enjoy your weekend!

  6. So sorry your son got injured, but good that it wasn't too serious. Two Thanksgiving dinners? Yup, the diet definitely went out the window. (Probably true for the whole holiday season. lol)

  7. Sorry to hear about your son, but at least, he'll be all right. As to weight, I gave up on that years ago for this time of year - just not worth the thought ;)

  8. Hope he heals up ok, and soon. I'm looking forward to the release.

  9. Oh dear, hope he heals fast!
    No diets this time of year - guilt isn't worth the effort. LOL
    Happy Holiday!
