
Saturday, December 19, 2015

Deja Vu Blogfest 2015

It's that time of year where we look back at the past year and dust off an old blog post that we're particularly proud of or that we feel didn't receive enough attention.  That's right.  It's time for the Deja Vu Blogfest!  I'd like to thank DL Hammons for making this blogfest possible.

My post comes from the A to Z Challenge.  I experimented with Choose Your Own Adventure stories, and I had fun writing them.  This story was posted on April 28th, and it was based off the word "xenocracy."


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I have a Choose Your Own Adventure story for you today!  This is the last one for the A to Z Challenge.  These little things have been fun, but also challenging.  Then again, I think that's the point of this, isn't it?

Today's word is: XENOCRACY

A xenocracy is a government by composed of a body of foreigners.  I decided to go the alien invasion route with this one.



Life post-invasion isn’t all roses, sure, but you can at least say that you snagged a decent job.  Okay, people in the street call you a traitor and throw things at you, but the benefits are good.
Well, they’re tolerable, anyway.  And pre-invasion you wouldn’t have been excited about cleaning the toilets for the new seven-foot-tall, green skinned leaders of the xenocratic government that now rules all of Earth.  Considering the other jobs available, though, you’ll take what you can get.  Most days, at least.
Today, however, you are about to deliver some unpleasant news.  All of the toilets in the palace are overflowing, and you suspect it was sabotage of a most disgusting nature.
When you get to the throne room, the door is guarded by a formidable man.  “There is a meeting at this time,” he says in a stout tone.  “Whatever business you have, it must wait.”

A.)  If you decide to ignore him and insist that it is too urgent to wait, click HERE.
B.)   If you resign yourself to waiting, click HERE.

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Thanks for reading!  Be sure to visit some of the other participants!


  1. That is a marvellous word - and a great interpretation of how it could be implemented! Do I have to go to Y to find out how it was ended?

    Lovely choice for the Blogfest :)

    1. Just click on either the link in option A, or the link in option B. This will allow you to continue the story.

  2. Great word!
    I really, really need to come back here more often than I do. Your posts are also so much fun!

  3. Of course I would have ignored him! Great word...and repost! Thank you for taking part this weekend. :)

  4. Oh bummer I missed this blogfest. Oh well. Maybe next year.

  5. What an intriguing idea--the choose-your-own adventure posts. I may have to play with that sometime, too. Glad to have found it on the Deja-Vu tour.

  6. Interesting word and concept.

    Thanks for the blitz, and a very Merry Christmas to you and your family.
