
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Self-Help 101 Blog Tour and the Insecure Writer's Support Group: December 2015

Before we get to my post for the IWSG, I'd like to take a moment to tell you that Jackie @ Bouquet of Books is hosting me today for my blog tour.  Feel free to stop by and help me celebrate the release of my humorous Christmas novella Self-Help 101 or: How I Learned to Take Over the World Through Tolerating My Family.

You can also enter to win an e-copy of my latest novella below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

It's the first Wednesday of the month!  Let's convene another meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group!  Our esteemed leader is Alex J. Cavanaugh, and his co-hosts for this month are Sandra Hoover, Mark Koopmans, Doreen McGettigan, Megan Morgan, and Melodie Campbell.

Also be sure to visit the IWSG website!

This has been a big month for me.  As you all know if you saw the beginning of this post, I had a novella come out yesterday.  I've also started writing the next novella in that series, and I found a short story contest that I'm thinking about entering.  I also signed up for the next WEP challenge, which should be an interesting one.  If you're interested in writing about a holiday celebration that's out of this world, check it out!

While I have a lot to be excited about, I still have my insecurities.  As many writers out there will understand, I look at my sales numbers and, while I'm grateful for each sale I make, I still think wistfully of how nice it would be if those numbers were higher.  I'm not asking for Harry Potter-level success or anything, but I'd love to reach more people with my work.  And this is where my natural awkwardness around people probably works against me.  I've never been good with marketing myself.  I'd prefer to let my work speak for itself, but how can my work do that if I can't convince people to take a chance on it first?  It's a bit of a conundrum. I do know this much.  If I didn't have the support of fellow bloggers, I'd really be stumbling around in the dark, and I'd like to thank all of you for what you do.  It means a lot.

I'd say this past year has been productive, though.  I've put two novellas and a short story collection out into the world, and I've lost more than 30 pounds.  My kids are alive and healthy, and my husband has been supportive of my crazy/creative nature. There's a lot to be positive about.

What are you feeling insecure about this month?


  1. That's kind of my conundrum as well, not much of a marketer. Although I try and it's a skill I'm willing to learn. One step at a time. And hey, congrats on your novella, and congrats to L.G. Sounds like a fun one. :)

  2. The more books you put out in your series, the more readers you will gain. Have faith!

  3. I love what you're thankful for. Husband and children (and a dog named Casey) are at the top of my list and truly help make everything else tolerable.

  4. Wow, that does sound like a productive year. I think that's the key--focus on what we have accomplished and stop to celebrate that!

  5. The cover of your novella is beautiful. Think Harry Potter rankings. Why not? Miss Rowling isn't any more deserving of her success than you are. There is enough success to go around for everyone. Happy IWSG.

  6. Wow! That is a great year. Congratulations. Do you spend the first few days (weeks, months) after a book comes out staring at your sales numbers, too? ;-)

    Really looking forward to Self-Help 101!

    IWSG December

  7. I quit looking at sales figures, for awhile anyway. They're so misleading.
    Congrats on all your writing success, keep it up and forget the sales figures! It will come in time - so they tell me. :)

  8. You've achieved heaps this year. Focus on the wins.

  9. Congrats on the book release. That's a big hurtle.

    I read a lot about the craft,marketing, promotion, but no experience yet. However, they say it is from the back list where you see the money start to come in usually anywhere from 10 to 30 books in--some get lucky and see it sooner. My problem is I am a slow writer. The up side is the market for the short story and novella have picked up, so if you get enough shorts or novella's out there you have a back list quick. Anyway just a thought... Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy Holidays,
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  10. Congrats on the book release. That's a big hurtle.

    I read a lot about the craft,marketing, promotion, but no experience yet. However, they say it is from the back list where you see the money start to come in usually anywhere from 10 to 30 books in--some get lucky and see it sooner. My problem is I am a slow writer. The up side is the market for the short story and novella have picked up, so if you get enough shorts or novella's out there you have a back list quick. Anyway just a thought... Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy Holidays,
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  11. Most authors struggle with marketing. You're not alone. There are a lot of promotion opportunities though.

    The support here is amazing. I started blogging April 2005, and it's changed so much. Back then, I felt like a lone gunman. Now there are so many willing to help/

  12. I hear you on the sales. I do wish mine were better and it was easier for me to shamelessly promote myself. I try not to worry about it that much though. It only stresses me out and then i'm even less productive.

  13. Congrats on your novella. Best wishes for your career.

  14. Wow! You've had a great year with publishing novellas and losing a lot of weight. That's fantastic! I hope next year is even half as good for me. ;)

  15. Excellent news all around! And like others have said - why not shoot for the stars? If you miss you're still way up there.
    No luck needed but keep on with the good Pluck.

  16. Lots of things to be thankful for here. The novella sounds like a fun read. Good luck with the sales. Happy holidays.

  17. It can be so tough to promote. I'm not good at putting myself out there either.

  18. Oh, I do LOVE the cover of your novella...simply delightful!
    Congrats, L.G.
    You've done very well this year!

  19. You Have Had A Very productive year, Congratulations! I own a marketing company and still have not figured out the most successful way to market books, but I am determined :)

  20. You Have Had A Very productive year, Congratulations! I own a marketing company and still have not figured out the most successful way to market books, but I am determined :)
