
Saturday, January 9, 2016

4 Years!

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/
As of today, I've been blogging for 4 years.  The day I wrote that first post, I kind of did it on a whim.  I'd heard people say that if you want to make it as a writer, starting a blog was a good step to take.  One day I just decided to do it, and I'm glad that I did!  It was one of the best decisions I could have made.

In the past, I've had a blogfest to celebrate each blogoversary.  This year I didn't get around to it.  Why?  I've just been too busy with writing.  That's not a bad thing, either.

Thank you.  Thank you for following me.  Thank you for leaving words of encouragement.  Thank you for providing me with a wonderful online community.


  1. Happy four years! I'm very grateful I started a blog. Made a huge impact not only on my career, but my life.

  2. Happy 4th anniversary! I'm glad that I met you through blogging L.G.! All the best in 2016!


  3. Congrats on your milestone! Glad you're still going strong. That's a long time in blogland.

  4. Congrats on 4 years of blogging!
    I'm also glad I took the plunge and started blogging. I've met so many wonderful people through blogging.
    It's also the reason why I'm writing today...

  5. Happy blog-birthday!

  6. Congrats on four years blogging, wow! And writing is a really good excuse for not getting around to doing anything for the blogiversary :)

  7. Happy Blogging Anniversary! Being to busy to blog because you're writing is a very good thing! Keep at it!

  8. Congrats on your 4 years. I don't know what I would do without blogging. And now you'll have another book to promote.

  9. Congratulations. Here by way of Alex.

  10. I wish I could say that I'm too busy writing to blog. Congratulations on adding another year to your blogging legacy. Great job!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  11. Congrats! Happy 4th year blogaversary! :)

  12. Congrats on four years. I'll be honest, I don't think I've ever really celebrated my blog-versary. Kind of hard to pin down when exactly I started, though I tend to go with the year 2008. So this year will be 8.

  13. Glad you had nice literary milestones to celebrate. It helps temper the sad things that happened this week.

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