
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Insecure Writer's Support Group-January 2016

It's the first Wednesday of the month!  That means it's time to reconvene the Insecure Writer's Support Group for another meeting!  The ever-elusive yet astonishingly pervasive Alex J. Cavanaugh is our esteemed leader.  Today he is assisted by Denise Covey, Sheri Larsen, J.Q. Rose, Chemist Ken, Michelle Wallace, and me!

Be sure to stop by the IWSG website!

This is a big post for me.  Not only am I co-hosting today, which is always an enjoyable experience, the winners of the anthology contest are also being announced. As some of you may already know, the winner is . . . me.


I'm grateful there's no video evidence documenting the moment when I found out I'd won.  That would be a wee bit embarrassing.  My kids certainly thought I'd lost my mind.  All I can say is that I'm grateful for the opportunity that being a part of this group has given me.

This whole thing has boosted my confidence, so I'm not feeling as insecure as I normally might.  I have, however, been a little reflective.  I went back to look at the first post I wrote for IWSG back in May 2012.  I started blogging that January, and though I'd been seeing plenty about IWSG in my blog feed, it took a few months for me to gather the courage to sign up.  Yeah, I initially felt too insecure to join up to talk about my insecurities.  I'm glad I finally pushed past that fear, because if I hadn't, I wouldn't be where I am today.

I'm grateful for everyone who has worked to make this group the success that it is, and I'd like to congratulate everyone else that made it into the anthology.  2016 is shaping up to be a great year for me, and I hope it's great for all of you as well!


  1. You wrote a wonderful story, LG. It was a joy reading about Feliz. Can't wait for the world to read about him. Congratulations. And! thanks for co-hosting!

  2. And a well deserved win! Great story. Hope it inspires you to pursue more opportunities.
    Thanks for co-hosting today.

  3. Hi,
    Happy New Year and congratulations on winning the anthology.
    I haven't forgot that I still owe you a book review. As soon as I read your book, I'll post it. It is just that I have been very busy and haven't gotten around to it yet.
    And thanks for co-hosting. Here's wishing you a great 2016!

  4. Congratulations on your win, LG! How awesome is that? :) I know it's a great read because I've read some of your stories. Before I forget, thank you for co-hosting!! Hugs, Eva

  5. Congrats on the anthology and thanks for co-hosting!

  6. HUGE Congratulations! I'm very excited for you and honored to be in your company! Definitely looking forward to reading your story!!!

  7. Congrats on winning a place in the anthology!! Woohoo!! And I think it's kinda funny to be insecure about joining the Insecure Writer's group. It's like the Apathy Support group meeting being cancelled due to lack of interest. lol Wishing you fewer insecurities and "making" more books in 2016!

  8. Whoot! Hurrah for your big win! That's so exciting. I didn't join the ISWG for a long time either. I didn't think I was "good enough" yet, or something. Seems kind of silly now.

    Thanks for co-hosting too!

  9. Congratulations on your win!! That is awesome!

    The IWSG is amazing and has given help and reassurance to so many of us in this community. It's just a wonderful tradition that just keeps giving.

  10. Warm congrats on the anthology! Very nice to meet you.

  11. Congratulations, L. G. Winning something can often give a boost to insecure writers such as ourselves. It's a kind of confirmation that maybe we're doing something right!

  12. Congratulations! That's super awesome!

  13. I can't wait to read your piece, and way to go! Run with that high. You totally deserve it. Yay!

  14. Wow, congratulations! Winning things always feels great. :D Thanks for co-hosting!

  15. I loved your story! I knew it was the best before I'd even read all of them. I'm so happy it will be the featured story in the anthology.

  16. Congratulations! What a wonderful way to begin a new year:-) May the courage and inspiration remain to guide you to even more triumphs this year!
    What a clever idea to offer a Writing Tip of the Day - another reason to come back and enjoy your posts:-)

  17. Congrats on your win, what a great start to the year! And yes, I too spent a few months vacillating before joining this hop... then time reading the small print... then double checking everything...

  18. Huge congratulations LG! You are a fabulous writer. You are always in the consideration for prizes for your WEP entries. This is SO amazing! Can't wait to read the full Anthology. Enjoy co-hosting! :-)

  19. woot, congratulations! and thanks for hosting! :-)

  20. Congratulations! And thanks for hosting!

  21. How awesome, and so deserved! I knew the minute I read the title that you'd won top spot. I'm so honored to be part of this amazing group! And it is such a boost to the confidence. I remember when I first signed up for the IWSG in September 2012 you were one of the first people I began following - and I knew then what a wonderful writer you were and that you were already a star. It's been so awesome to watch your progress! Congratulations! May this year and every year after be a blessing for you!

  22. Congratulations! And thanks for hosting!

  23. Happy New Year and thanks for co-hosting. And congrats in being the winner of the anthology too. What an awesome way to start off 2016. :-D

  24. Congratulations on your much-deserved win, L.G.! You rock! And, I would love to host you sometime on my blog! :)

  25. Co-hosting is quite the task, and congrats on your win. That is AWESOME! Way to start the new year. :)

  26. Big congrats to you for winning the anthology contest! And you get to be published in the anthology. Awesome!

    I think I started blogging on my writing blog around the same time as you--2012 or 2011 I think. It also took me awhile to sign up with IWSG even though I started networking with more writers. Those early steps can be so hard!

  27. i'm so thrilled for you. I'd would love to see the video of your happy dance, LOL. Congratulations. Well done.

  28. Congratulations! Well deserved I'm sure. Pretty soon you won't be insecure any more! ;-)

    IWSG January

  29. Congrats to you. Your story really deserves its place. So this is 4 years of blogging for you? Way to go and we're so glad you're part of the IWSG.

  30. Congratulations! I look forward to reading your story!!!

  31. Thank you for the sweet wishes L.G. I am hoping for a better year too and it looks like you are having an amazing start as a contest winner. Congratulations.

  32. I didn't know the winner was you! But now I do. Big congrats to you and happy co-hosting day, too. Your year is starting off in a BIG way.

  33. Hearty congrats! How wonderful for you. And to be co-hosting on that special day. Your year is starting off great.

  34. Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you. What a great way to start the year. :) Thank you for co-hosting today.

  35. Happy New Year and thanks for co-hosting. And congrats in being the winner of the anthology too. What an awesome way to start off 2016. :-D

  36. Wanted to stop by a give you a huge congratulations on being the winner of the anthology contest! That is awesome! Way to go!

  37. Awesomeness on the win, L.G. that's huge. thanks for co-hosting as well. Winner, winner, chicken dinner to start 2106.

  38. Congrats on the Win! Love your blog theme. Thanks for hosting too. You Rock!

    Happy New Year,
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  39. Congrats on the Win! Love your blog theme. Thanks for hosting too. You Rock!

    Happy New Year,
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  40. Congratulations on the anthology!! Thanks for co-hosting. :)

  41. Many congratulations!! How exciting and what a boost to start off the new writing year. I admit, it took me a year to pluck up the courage to join IWSG :) Funny isn't it? :) And yet, it's one of the best writing decisions I made. I've met so many wonderful writers and people - albeit virtually - and feel that it is okay to talk about my insecurities.

    Wishing you more successes as the year goes on! Well done!

  42. Happy New Year! Congrats on being the big winner for the anthology! It's great to be in an anthology with you. :)

    Thank you for co-hosting!

  43. Hi fellow co-hostess!
    Congrats on placing first in the anthology contest!
    Your story was amazing.
    On the contrary, there should have been video evidence documenting the moment you discovered you had won...a priceless moment. Did you jump up and down? Cry? I think I would have cried...
    It's great to be co-hosting alongside you this month!

  44. Congratulations! How exciting for you!
    I'm glad I'm not the only one with insecurities that have grown from this group.

  45. Congratulations! How wonderful for you, that you won, and that you can look back and see how you have grown as a writer. Wonderful, wonderful for you!

  46. Congratulations on your win for entry into the anthology! Exciting news. Interesting that you were initially too insecure to sign up for the Insecure Writers Support Group. So happy for you!

  47. Congratulations, L.G.! How exciting for you! I laughed at your hesitancy to sign up and join the IWSG! I went through the same process! I'm grateful for this wonderful group. All the best to you as you head into this new year! And thanks for co-hosting this month!

  48. Congrats on the anthology, and thanks for being a co-host this month. It's a lot of work!

  49. Congrats! What a cool piece of news to start off the new year! Thanks for hosting and letting us share in your celebration.

  50. Congrats, LG. Bask in the glory. BAAAAAASK! ;)

  51. Congratulations on your win! Just shows that we can achieve a lot if we face down our insecurities and have a try.

  52. Congrats LG! What an honor, and to have the anthology title with your story. Way cool.

  53. Huge congrats on your story! You have every right to be excited and go crazy.

  54. Congrats on your story! And thanks for co-hosting this month. This is a super group, isn't it? Best wishes on recovering your confidence.

  55. YAY!!! Congratulations LG!!! What a great way to start the new year!!! And a nice boost to your confidence...!!!

  56. Congratulations. I'm glad you decided to join the IWSG. Thanks for co-hosting today.

  57. Awesome! Congratulations.
    I can't wait to buy this book!


  58. Huge congrats, L.G. I'm anxious to read Felix Was Here. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave congratulations.

  59. Congratulations on your win, and thank you for co-hosting. It's great meet you. Happy New Years! Cheers!


  60. Wow, LG, what awesome news! That must feel great. Way to push yourself to enter! Happy writing.

  61. A big congrats for the win. The story is wonderful.

  62. Congratulations on winning! That's super exciting! Happy New Year!

  63. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I can't think of a more deserving party- you're one of the most outspoken supports in this great group and I am so grateful for you! (not to mention that you're kind-of an amazing writer, too!^_^)

  64. Congrats! and I sure would like to see that Happy Dance as I'm sure the rest of us.

  65. Way to KNOCK that baby out of the park, LG!!!

    Well done, and it's awesome you were a co-host, too... perfect timing :)

    Now, relax for a little bit and then go forth and multiple :)

    Best wishes for a (continued) wonderful writingly 2016!!

  66. Happy New year! Congratulations! Your year is definitely starting off very exciting. Thank you so much for co-hosting.

  67. Happy new year and congratulations on the win! I hope the new year continues to be exciting and productive for you.

  68. Fantastic news!! So happy to hear you won :)

  69. Congratulations on your win, I can imagine how much of a boost it is. All the best for 2016 and continued success.

  70. Congratulations! How exciting. I imagine you aren't feeling very insecure today. I'd be out celebrating and making a fool of myself. Well I do the fool part anyway. I am very happy for you. I remember the days of lurking around before I could muster the courage to even leave a comment on a blog. I just so happen to start blogging and commenting the month Alex started the IWSG so it worked out really well for me. Have a great new year and enjoy your win. It is quite a huge honor. Thanks for co-hosting.

  71. Fantastic! So happy for you LG... looking forward to reading this anthology. Some of my favorite writers had been selected!

    So happy to see 2016 has started out with a BANG! All the best!

  72. Hello fellow co=hoster, Well we made it past Wednesday, but I'm not caught up with IWSG commenters yet,as you can see. What a wonderful gang we have--talented writers, smart, funny, thoughtful...Yes, I could go on and on. Congratulations on your selection into the anthology. Looking forward to reading it!

  73. Saw you had won the anthology contest and had to pop over to say Congratulations! That's wonderful it boosted your confidence. I hope it's the beginning of more to come. (I definitely relate to your insecurities)

  74. Congratulations!! I know you must be super excited! Thanks for co-hosting this month! Best of luck in the new year! :)
