
Friday, February 12, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things-February 12, 2016

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain.  Tonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts.

It's been a heck of a week.  I signed on to be one of Stormy's Sidekicks for the A to Z Challenge, so that should be fun.  Thanks to Heather M. Gardner for the opportunity!

I got a new laptop this week, and I'm loving it so far.  Though my old one was still working, it was getting older and had its eccentricities.  It's also been patched up on multiple occasions.  I'm not getting rid of the old one, though.  One never knows when something might break and a backup could be handy.

I also got a new tablet, and I intend to read a lot of ebooks on it.

Be sure to stop by Hart Johnson's blog for some story blurbs from the upcoming IWSG anthology Parallels: Felix Was Here.  Today's blurbs are from Crystal Collier and Cherie Reich.

The anthology is set to be released May 3, 2016.  There are pre-order links if you're so inclined to use them.

Barnes and Noble

You can also add it on Goodreads.

Speaking of the anthology, I have in my possession a review copy of the ebook, and it looks great!  Seeing it makes the whole experience feel more real.  If anyone who does book reviews would like to read and review it, just let me know and I can arrange for you to get your own e-copy from the publisher for reviewing purposes.  All I'd need to know is your website, your email, and whether you'd prefer a Mobi or ePub.  Think about it.  You could read these amazing stories before most people get the chance.  How cool would that be?

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. I've already read all the stories! (Insert evil laughter here.) Glad you got a review copy.

  2. We're both Stormy's Sidekicks! :D
    That's a good idea to hold onto the old laptop if it still works. But it's always fun to get a brand new one.

  3. I'm one of Alex's ninjas, should we have a minions competition of sorts? ;)

  4. I can't wait to read the anthology, I bet it's amazing!

  5. A new laptop sounds amazing! Think of how much smoother your writing time will be :-)

  6. Yay for the new laptop and tablet! Enjoy! I am looking forward to the Anthology :)

  7. You're Miss Technology this week. Congrats on all the new stuff!

  8. Huge congrats on the new laptop and tablet!! I know what you mean by your old one having eccentricities and getting patched up. Mine's real old and has crashed numerous times, but I have a hard drive back up I use about once a month and I use Google cloud once a week for important stuff. I'd love a new laptop but just don't have the money yet. Have a lovely weekend! :)

  9. Awesome celebrations! I'm looking forward to reading those stories. :)

  10. New gadgets are always fun, especially a new laptop for a writer! Inspiration at hand!

  11. You are really stocked in the device department.
