
Friday, February 26, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things: February 26, 2016

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts!

Be sure to stop by Hart Johnson's blog for more story blurbs from Parallels: Felix Was Here.  The authors featured today are Melanie Schulz and Sylvia Ney.

Stop by the Parallels blog if you haven't this week.  On Wednesday, Melanie Schulz posted a little something that'll get those mental wheels turning in interesting ways.

This week the most exciting thing we did was take our kids bowling for the first time. Jude and Lyle have been into playing electronic bowling, as well as bowling with this little plastic set they have.  It was so cute watching them do the real thing for the first time.  Yeah, at ages six and four, they were a tad too small for the ball they had to use, but they had a great time and seemed to love every second of it!

This coming Monday is February 29th!  To everyone out there who may have been born on that day, I hope you enjoy having an actual birthday!  I've known a couple of people over the years that do, and it tends to be a big occasion for them.

Also, all of you need to check this out.  My husband showed it to me, and I just needed to share it.  If you're having a bad day, just go HERE, and it should make you feel at least a little better.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Have a great weekend! And Monday, you're on my blog!

  2. Glad your little ones had a great time bowling!

  3. My 4 yr old nephew bowled for the first time on his birthday. Mom said he played 1 game and lost interest. His best friend, though, loved it and they had to reign him in because he kept trying to bowl in other people's lanes. LOL!

  4. I haven't bowled in years and I used to love it, especially with the kids!!!!
    Have a nice weekend.

  5. Enjoy the weekend:) Geez, it's been too long since I last bowled, but I do enjoy it.

  6. Sounds like you guys had a ton of fun. Enjoy the weekend!

  7. I loved bowling when I was young. I belonged to a junior bowling league and even had my own ball. I think my mom loved it too since she could just drop me off at the bowling alley for 4 hours every Saturday. LOL! Enjoy your weekend! :)

  8. Yes I remember taking my two when they were very young - they had to use a ramp for the ball to go down and we had bumpers so the ball wouldn't go off down the sides - they used to love it!! Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

  9. It's always great to share fun time with your kids. Sounds like you did.
