
Friday, March 11, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things-March 11, 2016

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts.

This week I'm celebrating getting the final edits for "Felix Was Here" turned in to the publisher.  It feels like a big accomplishment.

I played darts this week and managed to get two bullseyes in a row.  Yes, it was a fluke and I'm actually not that good at darts, but it felt good nonetheless.

I've written all of my posts for the A to Z Challenge.  The key is to start early, write out a reasonable schedule, and follow through.

Next week the kids are home for spring break.  We don't have any remarkable plans, but I'm hoping the weather will be good.  We've had good weather this week, with temperatures in the 70's for a couple of days.  That's pretty spectacular for March in Iowa.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. So jealous on your A to Z accomplishment - congrats! I STILL haven't started. :(

    I'm celebrating that I finally went back to kickboxing this week. I'm feeling wounded now, but I'm glad I went.

  2. Sounds like you've been busy. Congratulations on getting those edits in and on writing your A-Z posts. Enjoy the break with your kids.

  3. I am in awe of your A to Z accomplishment. I had wanted to participate, and got caught up in a whirl of disorganization. I may get a huge jump on things and start my 2017 A to Z participation posts next month. Hm... I could set a record for long-term dawdling! Getting in the final edits for FELIX WAS HERE is definitely something to celebrate!

  4. I have all my posts written for the Challenge.
    Good luck next week with the kids.

  5. Awesome job on getting your edits turned in and on having your A to Z posts written!!! Woot!

  6. I haven't even started my A to Z posts yet, it's not good! Hoping to make a start on them this weekend.

  7. Our weather has been pretty nice here as well. I'm jealous at your A to Z progress!

  8. I have my A to Z Challenge posts done as well. =D

  9. I cannot believe you have already written ALL of your A-Z posts!!! Are you super human or what??? Very well done and go to the top of the class!! Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

  10. Yay for finishing final edits! Apparently you're better at darts than you think. Go you for getting your A-Z posts done! That'll make your life much easier come April. Have a great weekend! :)

  11. good luck and have a great time

  12. Big congrats on the bull's eyes...impressive! For some strange reason, our schools don't have Spring break...I wonder why. Here's wishing for lots of sunshine and fun for you and your kids!

  13. How organized and disciplined you are to get your A to Z posts done. All I know is my theme. Like every other year I will write the day before the post is due.

  14. all my A to Z posts are ready too. Amazing! So exciting to see the edits back. What amazing stories!
    Happy Friday! I'm on spring break this weekend - Ocean City, the beach is wonderful!

  15. I like playing darts!! This year I won't be participating in the A to Z, but I'll be hopping around. And you're right it's easier to have them all ready to go. Good Luck.

  16. Yay! I hear you on the darts. I could practice for the rest of my life and improve marginally. It sure is fun, though!

  17. Wow, all your AZ posts are done? Congratulations! One envious blogger here, lol!

  18. Congrats on your A-Z posts. I'm not doing it this year, but last year I had everything sorted early - it makes the whole experience a lot more fun, for me.

  19. I'm way behind with my A to Z challenge posts - Eeek!! Need to get my skates on. Pleased you are more organised :) Have a great week with the kids!
