
Monday, March 21, 2016

The A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

Here we are!  The April A to Z Challenge is almost upon us, and the time has come for us to reveal our themes!  The Theme Reveal was first started by the amazing Mina Lobo, and now it's a time honored tradition.

In previous years I've always posted some kind of fiction for the challenge.  It was fun, and it kept me writing.  This year, however, I've decided to do something different.  In the past year, I've gotten more serious about putting my work out there.  I self-published three books, and I plan on self-publishing several more.  I've been submitting more stories, and I even won the IWSG Anthology Contest.

With those things in mind, I've decided to offer writing advice.  Each A to Z post will offer a different tidbit of advice that fledgling writers may find useful.  Many of you may not learn anything new from me, but maybe you will.  I know I've learned a lot over the years from reading what you have to say on your blogs.

I chose this theme, in part, to help fellow writers.  I also chose it for another reason.  I need to keep building my confidence.  In the past I felt like I didn't have any kind of expertise to offer anyone, so I didn't try to offer much in the way of writing advice. Sometimes people I know asked me for advice on certain things, and I did my best to help them out.  Now that I'm trying to do more in terms of getting things published, I feel like I need to accept that I might have something to offer.  This challenge is a good opportunity to do that.

Are you participating in the A to Z Challenge?  If so, do you have a theme?


  1. With three published books and being selected as the winner of the IWSG Anthology Contest, you are most definitely qualified to give writing advice and tips. I'm glad you've chosen this as your theme. Writing tidbits, tips and advice blogs are my favorite blogs, especially when written by bloggers/authors who truly have something worthwhile to contribute. I feel certain you fall in that category. And it's a bonus that it will help boost your confidence. It's a win/win for all of us. I just bookmarked your blog so I will be sure to check back for your writing tips. I'm really excited to see what you have in store for us.
    If you visit my theme reveal I hope you won't give up on me. I'm on the tail end of a blog makeover and my blog is loading really slow, but the design company assured me it will be working properly in time for the challenge, and probably by midday today.

    I'm really eager to see what topics you will cover. I will check back again on April 1st. Take care.

  2. I look forward to seeing your writing advice - one can never have too much of that. Hope the self-publishing is going well.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  3. Great theme. I look forward to benefiting from your wisdom and experience.
    Elizabeth Hein - Scribbling in the Storage Room

  4. That's a great theme. We can always learn something from another's experiences.

  5. What a great theme!!! I'll be back....!

  6. Good theme. Always good to help the new kids out. :-)

  7. Always good to get writing advice. Cool theme.

  8. Very, very cool! I am going to make an effort to come by every day.

  9. As I move forward with my plans to self publish and with the release of the Parallels anthology, I'll be interested to read your advice!

  10. I look forward to your advice, it's always good to hear someone else's ideas and approaches.
    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles | Wittegen Press | FB3X

  11. I'm always in search of writing advice - since I came to this vocation rather late in life. I look forward to following your posts.

  12. I think it's a great idea. I never thought I could give advice and still shy away from it, but I love reading the advice of others. Love your confidence!

  13. Writing advice themes are always good to have. Look forward to seeing your tips and advice.

  14. Awesome idea. Look forward to the tips.

    Best wishes.

  15. Great idea! This could even become a non-fiction book!


  16. I echo Melissa's sentiment. You are more than qualified! You have been an immense help to me. Thank you, Madame!

  17. Great theme and such a wonderful opportunity to learn from you. I am going to come by and read all your posts.

  18. Sounds good. Good luck with the challenge!

  19. Nice! I think of writing as a community action, one way or another, and I believe that there is a lot to learn from each other :) Cool theme!

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    The Multicolored Diary

  20. What a great idea! I think a lot of people just dig in and then it gets hard and advice and tidbits of knowledge are so inspiring and helpful!Writers are the best! I love it when we help each other out!

  21. As a writer this theme interests me. I know the hard work you will put into it to make it helpful. I look forward to returning in April, although I do wish your blog was easier to read. The black background and white print not easy AT ALL. The blue print HARD. Your theme subject is saving the day for me. Thanks ahead of time knowing the hours it takes to prepare.

  22. I will keep up with your blog. I've wanted to get work published since I was a kid. I've been writing for a long time, mostly memoire type stuff on my teaching career and storytelling work I do now. Hopefully I'll get some tips on your A to Z that will motivate me to take the next step. Looking forward to it.

  23. Sounds like a helpful theme. I look forward to your posts :)

  24. Fab theme. It doesn't matter if you've been writing for a day or 20 years, there's always something new to learn! Looking forward to visiting you in April :)

  25. Sounds like fun! I hope to learn a lot from your posts! ~Lori~

    Lori @ As the Fates Would Have It
    Lori @ Promptly Written

  26. Tidbits of writing advice sounds like a winning theme!
    LG, you are more than qualified to offer advice. You're an amazing writer.

    I'm showcasing blogger books & book there will be loads of giveaways!
    See you around on the A to Z circuit!
    Writer In Transit

  27. Well done on your success! Have a great time with the Challenge.
    Jemima Pett

  28. Congratulations on self-publishing and on getting that recognition through IWSG. I'm already looking forward to your posts . . . for I learn so much from other bloggers about this whole process of writing, revising, and publishing. I think this will be a great month for us all!

  29. Writing advice very good. I am trying promotion
    Good to visit your site as a part of my A to Z visits. My theme Blog Promotion
    Welcome to A to Z April Blogging Challenge 2016 - Co-Participant - Nrao
    NRao Blogs - 2016 A to Z Challenge Blog Posts
    Management Theory Review

  30. Hey! This is great. I'm... kind of doing the same thing, but less writing advice and more what I've learned about various aspects of writing. Looking forward to reading more!
    Clarice Creates

  31. J here, stopping by from the #atozchallenge - where I am part of Arlee Bird's A to Z Ambassador Team.
    Excellent choice for an A to Z challenge theme. Good job. My theme is the craft of fiction writing. Tips, lessons, and prompts from various writing reference books. I follow it up with a sample of my work.
    Your theme is on writing advice too, so that should be fun to compare and see if we cover any of the same topics.
    April should be exciting. I'm looking forward to the event. Best of luck to us both on meeting our goals of posting and hopping to other blogs.
    My blog has a giveaway. There's a bonus a to z challenge each day to encourage people to visit more stops.

    I did see your other post and reported the lower price on Amazon and grabbed a free copy of the book on Smashwords. Thanks for that!

  32. It is great of you to share your knowledge with your readers! I have self-published 2 self-help books and I want to publish more, so I will be checking back later in April to see what advice you have to offer! This is my first year participating, and I don't have a theme, but maybe next year! For now, my goal this year is to visit all the blogs on the list and revisit those that I like best, so welcome to the list! ;) Cassie from Mommy, RN

  33. Hello, just stopping by to introduce myself for the #AtoZChallenge. I'm SpookyMrsGreen at no 121. Writing advice is a great idea for a theme. Mine is a little similar, although I am choosing to share bits about what make up me, the writer, and everything else that I am on my blog. See you soon! :)

  34. Can never have too many writing tips. Well, maybe you can, but I haven't reached my quota yet. :) Great theme.

    ~JEN Garrett
    Lexical Creations

  35. I'm soon to be an indie published author and hope you'll have some tips for self publishing. My a-to-z theme is Women in the 1930s. Hope you'll stop by.
    @LoriHenriksen from
    The Winter Loon - Women of the 1930s
