
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Please Support Our Thunderclap Campaign!

If you're here to read my A to Z post for L, you can find that HERE!  However, I hope you'll give me a moment here before you head over.

As I'm sure many of you know that the Insecure Writer's Support Group anthology Parallels: Felix Was Here is coming out on May 3rd.  The ten authors involved have been doing all we can to promote the book prior to release, and we'd like to ask for your help!

We just set up a Thunderclap campaign, and if you'd like to lend us your social media voice, we'd be so grateful!  Thank you!


  1. I signed up! Can't wait for the release and congrats to all.

  2. Go L.G.! Thanks for setting this up.

  3. Hi, Laura, great job. Can you send the HTML for this icon to all the authors? Just realized you probably already have. thanks!

  4. Done! And if you want, there's some groups on FB that you can join and share the campaign on to help get it supported.

  5. I signed up for it. I'll add it to my next post, too.
