
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Insecure Writer's Support Group: June 2016

It's the first Wednesday of the month!  That means it's time for another meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. The enigmatic Alex J. Cavanaugh is our esteemed leader.  His minions for this month are Murees Dupe, Alexia Chamberlynn, Chemist Ken, and Heather Gardner.

Be sure to stop by the IWSG website!

There's a lot going on.  It's crazy to think that Parallels: Felix Was Here has been out in the world for nearly a month.  If you haven't picked up your copy, I'd recommend you do!  It's an enjoyable read, though considering my involvement in it, I'm admittedly biased.

As I mentioned in a post over the weekend, I've had another bit of good writing news.  I've had a story accepted for the upcoming anthology Circuits & Slippers.  The anthology, edited by Jaylee James, features classic fairy tales rewritten as science fiction.  My story "Treating the Beast" is based on Beauty and the Beast.  The anthology is expected to be released in September of this year.

So I have those things to boost my writing confidence.  Now it's time for me to delve into my insecurities.  I've decided to release my next novella Self-Help 101 or: How to Survive a Bombardment With Minimal Injury on Tuesday, June 28th. That is just under four weeks from now.  The novella is written and has been through one major revision, but there's still some editing I need to complete.  I'm aware that I'm behind when it comes to getting this thing promoted and all that. Still, I need to release it before the 4th of July, and it's doable as long as I buckle down and do it.

If any of you are willing to help me with my cover reveal, please sign up with the linky below.  The date for the reveal is Tuesday, June 14th.  Now, if you can't post on that day, I'm fine with whenever you want to post it.  You can post it a couple days later, or even a week later.  I just need people to help me spread the word prior to release.

Finally, I've decided not to do the traditional blog tour for this one.  Instead I want to try doing a handful of guest posts stretched out over a couple of months rather than an intense two week marathon.  I'm curious about which yields better results in the long run.  If any of you are interested in having me do a guest post, let me know in the comments.

Thanks everyone!  What are you insecure or enthusiastic about this month?


  1. Good luck for the release and congratulations on the accepted story. I'm just a couple of weeks ahead of you, my next book is out on June 10th. Insecurities galore!

  2. Congrats on getting your story accepted into another anthology :-) I've read Parallels and highly recommend it to those who haven't yet.
    Cheers - Ellen |

  3. Spreading it out is a good idea.
    You know I will announce it when it's released!

  4. Busy, busy season. Exciting times. I'm actually backing away from the promotion world shortly to get some major work on some projects, most of which address me as "Mom". Regardless, I'll definitely tweet the news when you're ready.

  5. I'm insecure about getting my short story collection back on Amazon because of the technical details in properly uploading the thing and then the marketing. Congrats on getting into another anthology!

  6. I'm happy to host you on my blog. email me: Best wishes.

  7. I've heard mixed things about blog tours, especially in the past year or so. Maybe depends on what you write and whether your audience is on blogs. There are so many other avenues in social media right now. I think it's smart to focus your promo in a different way that works for you and see what happens. :)

    Goal, Set, Check! Setting SMART goals

  8. Congrats on all the exciting developments! And I would love to help you out with anything related to pushing your new book (already signed up on the widget thingie). I'm reading "How I Learned to Take Over the World" right now and I'm really digging it!

    IWSG Post June

  9. You've had a very productive spring.

    Blog tours still work, but spreading it out is better.

  10. Good luck with the release! I don't know if I'd get any sleep with the deadline fast approaching. I think I'd convince myself ten times it wasn't ready. You're a trooper!

  11. OMG I don't think I've bought Parallels yet. Or maybe I did and forgot. I've been reading paperbacks so haven't turned on my Kindle lately.

    You can be a guest post at my blog.

  12. Actually, I'd like to read about how you do with that. Be sure to post it for all of us. ;-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  13. Good luck with your upcoming release! It's an exciting and nerve wracking time. :)

  14. Wow, so much going on! Good luck to you with your upcoming release. Happy to have your on my blog in July if that helps. Just email me at:

  15. Congratulations on your story being accepted and your upcoming novella. I guess you can say my writer insecurity right now is struggling to get my cover illustration done for my short horror story book. I'm doing the illustration myself so that slows me down in my other writing projects as much as I like doing it.

    Speaking of which, I left my link with you and so l'll be happy to help with your book's reveal. Also, I have, as a matter of fact, been looking for guest bloggers. You can take a look at my blog and see if it's a fit for the topics you write about. I write Sci first, myself. I would be happy to guest blog for you in return if you'd like. Again, congrats!

    1. You can email me here: strosejr@Gmail.Com

      Just put "guest blogging" in the subject line.

  16. Congrats on your story acceptance! I'd be happy to host you on your blog tour. You can e-mail me at I hope you'll post about the results of your blog tour experiment. I'd be interested to know how it turns out.
