
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A Guest Post About Self-Help Books

Hello everyone!  I meant to post this earlier, but it's been an odd sort of day, so nothing has gone according to plan.  My sister-in-law is having a baby today, and that's kept us somewhat distracted.

Anyway, C.D. Gallant-King was kind enough to offer me a spot on his blog today.  I'm talking about self-help books and why Dani, the main character of the Self-Help 101 series chooses to write them.  Feel free to stop by if you're interested!


  1. Yay for guest posts! I'll have to pop over.

  2. Congrats and best wishes to your sister-in-law!!!!

  3. L.G. How often has someone connected your initials with the electronic products? :) Congrats on the guest blog spot gig and the self-help book series. Best of luck with those and blessings to your family with the newest family addition (a niece or nephew)! Have a good weekend!

    Stupidity #humor #celebrate #fridayfillins
