
Friday, August 5, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things-August 5, 2016

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain! Tonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts.

I've been busy with revisions.  Since I finished the first draft of Self-Help 1o1 or: How to Select a Costume to Help You Deal With People, I've been deep in revision land.  It's hard work, but it's satisfying to know that I've made it this far.

I also have an idea brewing in my mind for a short story that might be interesting if I can get it down on paper.  I love having new ideas!  It's such an exciting time.

By this time next week, I should have back-to-school preparations for my boys pretty much wrapped up.  I'm looking forward to having all of those tasks done, because then I can just enjoy their excited anticipation of being back in school again.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Ha, it's great they still have that excited anticipation of going back to school again.

  2. Some kids dread school, so glad yours are excited.

  3. Wow, you're way ahead of me. I haven't even thought about back to school shopping yet. And my kids would prefer the summer to last a couple more months. Good luck with your revisions!

  4. Yay to a new story idea! My kids were dreading school, but now that we're in the middle of shopping and all those last preparations, they're getting excited and looking forward to it. (And I''m dreaming of all the writing I'm going to get done ;) )

  5. Good luck with revisions! That's great your kids are looking forward to going back to school. Yay for new ideas!
