
Friday, October 21, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things-October 21, 2016

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain! Tonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts.

Last weekend my boys carved pumpkins and helped us build a scarecrow.  They had a great time doing it!

The kids also got their school pictures back this week.  I may be biased, but I think they look pretty handsome.

I finished a flash fiction piece and submitted it this week. Whatever the response, I'm glad that I'm pushing myself to keep submitting.  I still have two more stories I'd like to submit by the end of the year, and I also need to finish and release my final Self-Help 101 novella.  Oh, and I'll be having a baby soon.  The end of 2016 is definitely going to be busy!

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Great photos!
    And yes it's great you are pushing yourself to keep submitting. It's not always easy, but none of us will get anywhere if we don't try

  2. Your boys are adorable and their photos turned out very well :-) Love the pumpkin carving. That used to be one of my favorite things when I was a kid. Cheers - Ellen

  3. Yay for pumpkin carving and love that scarecrow!!!
    Your boys are cuties!

  4. Aww. Love those pictures--what awesome glasses! Congrats on still submitting work. You are amazing. Enjoy the last few months of (relative quiet?) before the baby comes.

  5. Your boys are cute!

    Good luck on the submission. Fingers crossed for you.

  6. They are handsome. So nice seeing your boys have fun preparing for Halloween. All the best with 2016 and hi baby bump.

  7. Handsome indeed (and a little cheeky). Wow, you have so much to celebrate! 2016 is a happy, happy year! X

    Have an awesome weekend.

  8. Such cute photos! I love pumpkin carving, I'll be doing one sometime this week :)

  9. Those are great photos! And wow, you are a writing whirlwind. Good luck with the submissions!

  10. Your sons are adorable! (My child pics never looked that good. lol) Love the scarecrow. You're accomplishing so much! Good luck on the sub and have a great weekend!

  11. Yes I'm pumpkin carving next week - for a special cause! I love the blue pumpkin on your photograph - very funky and I totally agree two very handsome "young men" on those school photographs - bet their looking forward to the arrival of their new sibling too :) You're all going to be kept very busy when that happens!! Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

  12. I'm impressed by the blue pumpkin! Enjoy Hallow'een with your kids.
