
Friday, November 18, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things-November 18, 2016

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts.

This has been a bit of a rough week.  I came down with a nasty cold on Monday, and now my kids are both suffering through it too.  Not that you can really tell by looking at them.  They're determined to play as if nothing is wrong. Fortunately, I'm starting to feel almost normal again, so I'm definitely celebrating that.

Considering everything that's going on, I'm not as far into edits as I'd like to be, but I'm still making progress.  Any progress is better than no progress.

I also managed to get a lot of baby-related preparations finished despite not feeling well.  I've still got a few things left to do, and hopefully I can finish them up this weekend.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. I'm glad you're feeling better! Hope you finish your preparations :)

  2. Sorry you've been sick. Hope you get everything done.
    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  3. Boo on colds. Hope you and your kids get better and are able to fully enjoy Thanksgiving.

  4. You sounds so busy despite the cold. I think you're as tough as your kids! Wishing you continued editing progress, getting baby things done, all your family getting rid of their colds, and that you all enjoy a lovely weekend!

  5. Glad you're feeling better.

  6. So sorry to hear everyone's sick! We had our wave come through two weeks ago. It's impossible to get much done, so any edits you got through are a miracle. And now, with the holidays coming up...I'm just impressed with everything you do get done. Get better soon!
