
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Insecure Writer's Support Group: November 2016

Is it really the first Wednesday of the month already?  I guess you know what that means!  It's time to convene another meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group!  Our leader Alex J. Cavanaugh has assembled another great group of minions this month: Joylene Nowell Butler, Jen Chandler, Mary Aalgaard, Lisa Buie-Collard, Tamara Narayan, Tyrean Martinson, and Christine Rains.

Be sure to stop by the IWSG website!

First of all, I'd like to wish everyone who is participating in NaNoWriMo the best of luck!  You've got a heck of a month ahead of you!  I'm expecting a baby this month, so instead of joining in, I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines.  And trying to fit in all the writing I can before the big day comes, of course.  I'm feeling a bit insecure about how much I'll be able to accomplish in that time, so wish me luck!

I participated in Trick-or-Treat Reads, which the awesome Patricia Lynne made possible.  The coupon codes are good through November 29th, so if you're interested in snagging some free books, go HERE.

Now let's move on to this month's question!

The question for this month is: What is your favorite aspect of being a writer?

There are a lot of things to love about being a writer, but I think my favorite has to be having the freedom to go anywhere and do anything without leaving home.  As a writer, I create characters and send them out into places and situations that I've never experienced.  I get to live and experience things through them, and it can be exhilarating.  A person might think that I, as the writer, have complete control over the story and characters, but I don't.  Things take unexpected twists and turns all the time, and that makes the process even more exciting for me.

What is your favorite aspect of being a writer?


  1. For some reason I thought your baby was coming in spring. I guess I'm spaced out. This is so exciting! I'll be scoping out FB for your announcement. At least if you're going to spend some time in bed, you have writing and reading to take you away to thrilling adventures. :)

  2. Actually, your timing is perfect with the baby. Most writers slow down around the holidays anyway. Now you have the perfect excuse.

  3. You touched on something I really enjoy about writing (and reading) - the ability to travel places and do all sorts of things without leaving home. The imagination is often the best form of travel. Cheers - Ellen

  4. Love the vicarious travel/experiences. I didn't realize your baby is coming so soon. Wishing you many blessings.

  5. Most of what I write about I will never experience. As long as my characters get to, I'm all right with that.

  6. That's why I love to read. I get to escape from my every day life and go to amazing places with amazing characters.

  7. You're right! I've been all over the world. Outer space should be next, eh?

  8. WOW!! A baby!! Amazing. Wishing you all the best. Just think of all the stories you can tell him/her.

  9. Well-said. I am surprised where my story takes me, too. And since I love research, that's a good think.

    Like you, this November #IWSG really snuck up on me. Thank goodness you-all were posting because I would have missed it!

  10. Wishing you and baby a good delivery! I hear you on the writing part after a baby, I didn't get much done at all. But it's to be expected when you're exhausted all the time!

  11. I love all those unexpected twists and turns too! Good luck to you and the baby. Get in as many naps and words as you can!

  12. I agree with you, those twists and turns are a great trip!
    Wishing you all the best this month!

  13. Yes, armchair travel to distant worlds is possible with writing!
    Congrats on your new family member (in advance)!

  14. When the story informs new twists I hadn't seen coming, that's when I know the story is working.

  15. Congrats on your bundle-of-joy that is arriving soon!
    Not a "book baby"...this time a real live one!

  16. I totally agree, the unexpect3ed journey your characters take you on is the real fun in writing. so often I have a mental outline of what I think should happen and end up with something completely different, driven by my characters.
